

Active Member
Just got me 4 clones the other day. all the plants have kinda drooped over. 2 really bad. i have checked the ph level...its siting around 7.2-7.6, is that to high. my buddy said that it could be that i am over watering is that possible, and is thier something i can do to fix this problem, the quicker the better. i have plants in my 30galon fish tank, and th float on some platforms, with the bottom of the cups in the water, now i have moved them so they are not in the water right now."just in case i am over watering". Lots of light(18\6), good temp, and great vent....please help.... after work i will try to get some pics on this post. thanks again


Well-Known Member
From what I hav read that is kinda of high. Maybe you should lower it a lil bit the guys and girls here are great at helping ppl out just listen to them and you will grow some great bud good luck will be watching...


Well-Known Member
Listen to your buddy.. That is too high.. Aim for 6.5-7 in soil.. And they probably are drastically over watered if you were doing that.. Water your plant until some run-through drains out through your more than adequate drainage holes, then water it again when the weight of the soil is almost as light as when its bone dry.. The roots need fresh air as much as they need water..


Active Member
kool, i will play around with that, but wat can i uses that i can get from like canadian tire/walmart to lower the ph level in the water.....


Well-Known Member
I'm a total noob to growing but from what I have gathered reading around, plants don't need to be watered very often and I'd guess they were droopy mainly cause they're a bit waterlogged, which would make sense. I'd let up on the watering and lower the PH a bit and just observe, see if they get more lively.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
kool, i will play around with that, but wat can i uses that i can get from like canadian tire/walmart to lower the ph level in the water.....
Ideally phosphoric acid, but you probably can't find that at those places, mainly hydroponics stores.. Lemon/Lime juice will lower it, but they tend to be pretty unstable.. Gardening pH down is aluminum sulfate, that would work, but its easy to over do it with that stuff because of its slow release nature..


Active Member
great news....the plants are now looking alot better, must been that i overwatered the plants. they have been sitting out for the last day and half. one it normal for the plant to be growing alot, but the branchs off the main stock are kinda weak like they cant support the wait of the new leaves.....are they doing it because i overwatered them? thanks again for all your opions.


Well-Known Member
im glad 2 here that
great news....the plants are now looking alot better, must been that i overwatered the plants. they have been sitting out for the last day and half. one it normal for the plant to be growing alot, but the branchs off the main stock are kinda weak like they cant support the wait of the new leaves.....are they doing it because i overwatered them? thanks again for all your opions.


Active Member
sorry about the wait for some pics. been having alot of problems with my computer......well it was a rough 2days, but the plants seem to be coming back. does anyone know why the leaves are drooping on some of the plants, but some are nice leaves(strong and tall), is it cause the overwatering issue? if it is will they get better fairly quick? also i know these are not the best plants ever, but they are my first grow and my babies...plz be gental on your comments..........hope u enjoy

