Well-Known Member
Why ?
Why should people speak more than 1 language?
Because the world is big and every culture has great riches which one can benefit from. Also, translations, annihilate the emotion of poems.
Why ?
You have to literally sign a consent form for the government to take taxes moron
Why the fuck would you describe pedophilia as consensual?
Just reminding you that I am totally ignoring you. I am definitely not paying any attention to you at all or anything.Good for you everyone should speak more than 1. Anyway, i’ll not be checking ignored comments for a while so bye.
Why should people speak more than 1 language?
Because the world is big and every culture has great riches which one can benefit from. Also, translations, annihilate the emotion of poems.
Why should people speak more than 1 language?
Because the world is big and every culture has great riches which one can benefit from. Also, translations, annihilate the emotion of poems.
Hahaha unclebuck!! Your a fukn legend lol.Hahahaha!
Good for you everyone should speak more than 1. Anyway, i’ll not be checking ignored comments for a while so bye.
Ohhhhh my. Still being pretentious. Oh, the comma after translations is not needed. Just sayin.
There is that word "should" again
People of this world just arent good enough to meet your expectations, are they? This is where a true revolutionary like you begins to slaughter people who don't meet expectations. "Because they SHOULD know better".
Zealots are a plague on humanity. Zealots are the worst. Like that guy at Christchurch and ISIS. Too fucking many people shoulding on others.
Boy you're wounded prey. You're bleeding and the sharks are close. Maybe you should get the fuck out the water. You are one of the most obnoxious assholes I've run across.
Even if a child or underage teen gives permission or acts willingly, this never implies consent. A child is never accountable. A child’s permission or even request to play a sexual touching or watching game never excuses the adult or teen from taking full responsibility for the interaction.So if you own a house and don't consent to being taxed, they smile politely and leave you alone ?
The only thing I've described as consensual are instances where the involved parties have the wherewithal to consent and do consent. Can you refute that ? No, you can't.
Just saying. Don't should on me and I won't should on you. It's an important notion.Hahahha. I knew you would get hung up on SHOULD
The ultimate goal should be a fully disarmed world.
Pretentious, obnoxious ass-wipe. It's no problem to see who has the image problems. I think you must have stayed on your mamas' tit 12 years too long. I suggest you pop over to MP, you'd fit right in with that bunch of assholes.
There is no way that you are serious. You have to be fucking trolling.Obnoxious? I’m not the one threatening people. Pretentious? Just because you asked a question and i answered.
Just saying. Don't should on me and I won't should on you. It's an important notion.
Yepper. That should word is anathema to me when a person uses it to assert a false conclusion. Yours is the language of zealots and authoritarians.
I can name many other worthy ultimcate goals that don't require everybody give up their possessions without a good reason to do so. How would that happen in the real world? Happen peacefully, that is.
It's your attitude. Your tone answering questions makes you a very obvious asshole. Like trump actually. Nobody likes you.
Ignore button works.![]()
Your entire train of logic is one long morality statement.You see SHOULD is a suggestion. “You should see the world” doesn’t feel fascistic to me but if it does to you, sorry. You do you. No problem whatsoever. I think a fully unarmed world SHOULD be the ultimate goal. When i speak, i speak for myself. This is a platform to share world views and ideologies. I get that you don’t use this platform in the same manner. Most just here to shout obscenities and hurl insults to people. Again, this is not debating.
Again. If its not happening peacefully and voluntarily it shouldn’t happen at all. Because it will become a form of oppression. Like the so called civilization we live in is a form of oppression to others. Do you not get what i’m saying? Or are you just trolling me?
Good for you. You discovered a new thing today. Tho i’m still waiting for the sharks, it would have been epic.![]()
Get rekt, dickhole.