New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

Yeah its still all good down here, got no rot and not alot of humidity now which is good. Had some algood days, got to 26 today and the overnight temps have dropped of a we bit but not loads. 8 - 12 overnight lows which is algood. At this rate the season could easily go another month down here I reckon. Ill see if they have grow and bloom earth juice next time I go in :-)

Yea big bad really isnt that great to be honest. The high just isnt there its pretty shit, I suppose its alright if you want a mellow smoke but nothing to rave about. A big bud crossed with something to up the potency would be alright though I guess. That big frosty pinky will be potent as! If I want the more trippy kinda high should I harvest with more cloudy then amber? Im into trippy kind of colorful highs. Better grow that purple kush out then bro, really nice looking plant by the sound of it.

The buds are more coney shaped, quite leafy and long but not overly dense especially the middle ones. Pointy for sure, the buds don't sorta just stop at the top like indicas they're really pointy and thin at the tops. Hope your Taskenti harvest went algood. My plants turning purple for some reason? :mrgreen: Most of the fan leaves are yellow so should be on par for harvest in 2 weeks id say and its starting to get more budy now if that makes sense lol

Sweet, might be good taskenti growing climate. We're getting around 22-24 at the moment with 12-15 lows on average.
got a banana plant in my backyard today, It'll be good to see how big I can grow them since they're subtropical.

yeah ive heard it's pretty average, a Panama would be algood to cross onto it.
Yeah more cloudy trichs have up,electric trippy highs with sativas, Zamal you have to amber off heaps otherwise it's too scary apprently.
I've got the PCK not PK, the PCK can get almost black sometimes lol.

Sounds like sativa buds with maybe a little bit of indica, maybe 70/30 sativa-indica?. Your plant looks awesome! I checked metservice and it said you had a couple of 6's and a 7 a few nights ago, that's definitely cold enough to turn the plant purple. Just harvested the taskenti and is hanging up, budrot just starting but it's algood. Panama's are starting to really fatten up and getting quite pungent and sticky, Malawi looks like another 2 and a bit months away at the least.

Oh well I'm off tomorrow morning for god knows how long, I'll be back with dried taskenti pics.
hey CK good luck for your trip, are they roaring up there yet? we're off tomorrow as well be in there 6-10 days weather dependant going to be chasing waps and reds forcast for snow in there tonight so we might freeze our arses off for a few days lol.
hopfuly when I ge back tl only be a week or so til harvestif theres no mould issues. you recko your Malawi will manageto last2 months? wont get to col or damp for it?
Looking forward to seeing some harvest pics. Been a few small showers around here and I've seen a little bit of rot around on the plants. Cmon Sun, give us a smile!!!. I really wanna get my girls as ripe and mature as i can but don't want to come back to mouldy fuzz... ah the worries of the guerilla grower... 1st world problems
Hey Kiwi, so sorry man, i totally lost track of your thread! Had heaps of shit going on lately hey.
Your girls are looking amazing! That panama red is just stunning, im sure your pollination will work ;)
Here's a few pics of my outdoor girls. First one is the blue og and second is the Mr Nice white shark which was a cutting off the mother i used to do my blueberry cross :)
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sorry cheebs im an indoor guy but my guess is they would veg for around 4 weeks then go straight to bloom. now if you were in hydro and had them in direct light for that frst 4 weeks you could pull maybe an ounce or 2 per plant but outdoors in soil i reckon you would be pushing it to get 1/4 from each plant? thats if weather permits. probs better off spending your time prepping an outdoor plot for next season, prepping some grow beds with composts and organic ferts now so they have time to cook in then next year get your plants in right on time cause everything is ready to go and get some 15 foot monsters.

if you simply have to get your grow on though and i know what that is like you could buy some cheap cfls and veg inside until they are a good size then chuck em outside to flower or you can try hitting them with a little light each night to keep em in veg outside

Oh alsweet bro ill take your advice and prep for a really good season i'm also going to bush walk abit to find good spots!

thanks bro oh by the way any good nutrients and soil you would recommend for a good outdoor grow ?
Looks like someone else came across my plant. The stem was still green and fresh.... Fucking rippers. Bet it was the dodgy cunts I saw driving away once when I returned to my car.
Looks like someone else came across my plant. The stem was still green and fresh.... Fucking rippers.

This is what stops me from growing outside, i remember how angry i was when i thought someone stole my parcel (nz post dipshits forgot to leave the pickup card), i couldn't stop thinking about it all day even though it only cost me $5, i'd go mad if someone stole my plants.

I've had a few dreams in the past couple of years about all my plants being snapped in half or being taken my the cops, it's the most devastating feeling so i sort of know how you feel even though it never happened :mrgreen:
Yea man was so angry, bit calmer now. When I got back to my car I just started yelling at the air lol. Was really hoping I wasn't going to have to go to the tin house tomorrow.

Started a little indoor plant a week or so ago. Really going to test my patience lol. :/


Got a bit stretched cause I left it on the windowsill too long but doing OK now. Also accidentally cut off a fan leaf when 'FIMMING' it but she hasn't seemed to mind too much.
Yea man was so angry, bit calmer now. When I got back to my car I just started yelling at the air lol. Was really hoping I wasn't going to have to go to the tin house tomorrow.

Started a little indoor plant a week or so ago. Really going to test my patience lol. :/

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Got a bit stretched cause I left it on the windowsill too long but doing OK now. Also accidentally cut off a fan leaf when 'FIMMING' it but she hasn't seemed to mind too much.

I've been dry for 4 months, very frustrating. I gave all my clones away and started a DWC grow that failed so i had to start again with soil and coco until i could get a better air pump and light proof buckets. I refuse to buy tinnies so in 5 weeks time i'm gonna be flying, probably feeling like i did when i was a teenager when i could get high as fuck.
Gave my clones to my brother cause i was gonna throw them out i was so sick of that strain at the time. Wanker didn't even hook it up with an O.
Sweet, might be good taskenti growing climate. We're getting around 22-24 at the moment with 12-15 lows on average.
got a banana plant in my backyard today, It'll be good to see how big I can grow them since they're subtropical.

yeah ive heard it's pretty average, a Panama would be algood to cross onto it.
Yeah more cloudy trichs have up,electric trippy highs with sativas, Zamal you have to amber off heaps otherwise it's too scary apprently.
I've got the PCK not PK, the PCK can get almost black sometimes lol.

Sounds like sativa buds with maybe a little bit of indica, maybe 70/30 sativa-indica?. Your plant looks awesome! I checked metservice and it said you had a couple of 6's and a 7 a few nights ago, that's definitely cold enough to turn the plant purple. Just harvested the taskenti and is hanging up, budrot just starting but it's algood. Panama's are starting to really fatten up and getting quite pungent and sticky, Malawi looks like another 2 and a bit months away at the least.

Oh well I'm off tomorrow morning for god knows how long, I'll be back with dried taskenti pics.

Yeah Im keen to give the taskenti a go a reckon it would be mad down here. Nice temps up your way, it seems like the weathers holding in. The Panama look like theyve recovered well from the vine hoppers?Hope your banna plant goes good. If it does I guess hats a good indication that your algood for growing some mean sativas :-)

Sweet that's probably the high ill am for. Yeah man that zamal sounds super trippy I bet if its grown perfectly outdoors it would be potent as fuck!
Yeah thats what I was thinking around maybe,70/30 sativa-indica. Yeah looks out of it ae, I might have a full on purple plant by harvest :mrgreen: We got colder nights earlier in the season and no purple but this kind of cold is different, Its really crisp and fresh. Maybe its more susceptible during flowering? I read somewhere today that the underlying anthocyain pigment is needed in the genetic make up for the plant to turn purple in the cooler conditions and not all ganja has the pigment which is kinda cool. Would be really interesting to know what the actual strain is. Have a mean time up the roar!
coming over to kiwi land in july for 2 weeks. south island. should be fun, anyone recommend some good activities

Make sure you head Milford sound and around mt cook. Smoke a big joint around mt cook its pretty breathe taking :-) Get a guided fly fishing trip in a south island river youl love it. It cost a fair bit but every cent is worth it and you will catch beautiful trout.
2014-03-28 13.50.48.jpgkushberry nug, its still a bit damp but I have it in jars anyway, hung up for six days now im just gonna open them up for 20 mins a day. Or might leave it all spread out on newspaper overnight tonight to give it that final crispiness :D cant tell how much I yielded but I have two huge jars full plus id say a bit less than half oz of popcorn buds mixed in with my trimmings
is anyone here from the south island, just trying to figure a few things out. for example we are planning on driving haast pass and lindis pass in august, do you think we will need to hire a 4wd or will a 2wd with chains do the trick? black ice sounds like some scary shit