New Zealand, Outdoor guerilla grow. FIRST HARVEST

Hi all,

This is my first grow, all four plants are an unknown strain my mate breed ...need to give this stuff a name! i started these in Oct, and as you can see almost ready for harvest. learnt so much cant wait till next season. I topped two of the plants, but eventually tied down all the branches to keep a low profile and cut out excess undergrowth for better air circulation,,,, hopefully get 12-16 ounces or more!:weed: have to wait an see i'll upload some pics of the buds when harvested (shame my camera can't show the extent of resin) Peace



Well-Known Member
Are they organic and what did you use too keep the animals away? I used human hair and piss in a possum free area and the plants haven't been nibbled on even once
Thanks kiwiskunk, Iv'e been keeping an eye on your grow, nice job bro:weed:. Was going to do a grow journal just too paraniod haha. Iv'e got four there, yeah they are organic, didn't have any trouble with animals etc, luckily as i had no protection
For some reason a few shoots died back; stems seemed to stop uptaking water, went hard/wood like and as a result the budds finished up super quick without weighting up alot. I have already harvested an OZ here and there. What do you guys think the cause of the problem is?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I noticed how the stalks were quite brown. I have never had that happen to me.. how long did they flower for? the bigger plants I have in the bush were shocked into flowering mid jan when the cyclone took all their side braches, I saw them last friday and we are going to give them another two weeks :) the stalk wern't brown though
Seeds, my mate matched up two decent unknown strains & these are the result. I'm thinking water issues... yeah you can see in photo 7.
I cant remember when they started haha, i sexed em before i took them into the bush planted when they where about 16inch
Yeah usually every three days depending on the weather, went on a road trip mid-flowering and came back to some sad looking plants. probs where that problem started
I used blood n' bone and pellats; soil was just full of worms.


Well-Known Member
Another grower across the ditch nah good to see,plants look really good mate,i wish i got mine in that early.Got my first 8 plant guerilla grow in my sig if u wanna check it.

Keep it up sheepshagga! Only jokin cmon now ;)