New Zealand Gear


New Member
Hey Guys......

Newbie here in New Zealand.......although have grown many years back with a pretty cheap rough setup. God knows how I didn't get caught.

Wanting to put together a Grow Tent with Carbon Filter, Fan using a LED light. I see a supplier in Aucks does Growlab stuff which I hear are good. GL60 would fit in my closet nicely. Was wondering if anyone had good experiences with Stores/ Suppliers in Northland/ Auckland area? Not looking to do it on the cheap, want to buy quality gear so it can be as stealthy as can be. Needs to tick all the boxes as far as being discreet and not liking the idea of mail order/ courier with all the stuff you read about S.O.G getting raided etc. Anyone used

First step is getting seeds sent over here, figured I would do this before I have any gear at all at my address and perhaps get seeds sent to another address. Or if there were any Kiwis on here with seed hookups in NZ???? Been trudging through old posts and get mixed messages as far as which Seedbanks get stuff through customs. Seaofgreen and Herbies seem to get good wraps on stealth. Any updated info/ recommendations from NZ's would be great

Thanks JZA


Well-Known Member
dude, to make this short, I would just skip LED and use HPS or HID light. this is not for argument, i'm just saying, dont throw your money.


New Member
dude, to make this short, I would just skip LED and use HPS or HID light. this is not for argument, i'm just saying, dont throw your money.
Interesting argument isn't' considering LED mainly because of less noise, less heat and less power consumed. Getting caught for me is not an option and minimising all risks is what im about,
You can flower excellent stuff with LED. But only bank on about 1g/W, even if you buy the expensive ones from SOG.
Yes, it is true that the heat output is absolutely minimal. In an enclosed space I've seen 180W LED grow more with less heat than a 250W CFL.
They are actually noisier than an HPS, as an HPS does not itself have fans on it (typically). However, due to the extra heat of the HPS, significantly more extraction is required. I'd say overall, the 'net' noise gain choosing HPS is modest - not significant. Noise is something which can be insulated against.
Imagine you want the output of a 600W HPS, but you are limited to LED. All of a sudden you're spending one and a half grand to get say ... 180x3 = 540W. Avoid it if you can. Find a proper space. Spending $1000 on a suitable growspace would mean you're way ahead compared to LED once you've bought a $195 600W HPS from a reputable company on Great North Road.

If your particular conditions are so stringent you absolutely cannot deviate - you might be snookered into LED.


Well-Known Member
If you're really interested in LED make your own - if you've got the time/inclination. You can make it to your own specs i.e. size, colour, power etc. Can be done for <$500

HPS would just be so much easier though. Just plug in and go in theory

smokey the cat

Well-Known Member
Ledgrowlights look pretty generic to me: huge prices, unspecified diodes, so presumably out of the same factories as the much cheaper ones on ebay. Avoid.

If you can handle heat then HID will definitely be a cheaper set up.

For Led the only cheap option is DIY, but you can build top shelf bleeding edge if you want to. Drivers are really expensive here (3-4 times US pricing), so probably worth importing.

There are a bunch of LED panels that come recommended - I'd take a gander first at the "Hans" panel on bonsaihero. Area 51 highly recommended. Or buy from ebay direct from China - dodgy quality maybe, but at least you'll be getting a fair price Warranty support will suck either way no matter where you buy.

regarding seed importing - supposedly a big crackdown occurred a few years back. I have no idea how much they attempt to intercept these days. Preferably order from England, which sends a large volume of mail to NZ. Coming up to Xmas the mail system will be at peak capacity so is the ideal time to chance a cheeky import.


Well-Known Member
^yea christmas is probably the best time to do it if you're going to. Id probably stick to clones as there are good ones around.

Id say for LED go DIY or don't bother tbh. You're just paying a huge premium for old LEDs generally if you buy ready made ones.