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Take the Pledge:
Bring Medical Marijuana
to New York in 2012
According to recent reports, New York State Senator Diane Savino may soon introduce a medical marijuana bill to the state legislature.[SUP]1[/SUP]
If passed, this bill would allow patients to buy marijuana from licensed dispensaries, and allow those too poor or far from a dispensary to grow their own medication. Savino and the other supportive legislators are hoping to pass medical marijuana before the current session ends in June - so we need to move quickly and speak out to our representatives in Albany.
Were building up our campaign in support of safe access to marijuana for thousands of patients across New York state. Can you pledge to help Just Say Now fight for medical marijuana in New York this year?
Pledge to help Just Say Now fight for safe access to medical marijuana for patients in New York state.
Click here to pledge: http://action.firedoglake.com/page/s/ny-mmj-pledge
Medical marijuana bills have come up in the New York state legislature in the past, but many believe this year presents the best opportunity to finally pass this law.
More than 70 percent of New York voters support medical marijuana, and this bill has strong support in the Assembly.[SUP]2[/SUP] Medical marijuana advocates believe that with the right pressure, the Senate could finally pass it this year.
Thats why we need you to step up right now.With only a few months before the end of the legislative session, we have to make sure lawmakers in New York fully understand that medical marijuana patients in this state can wait no longer for relief.
Well be organizing calls to lawmakers offices, running ads and building a groundswell of support for medical marijuana in New York. Pledge now to help Just Say Now pass medical marijuana for New York state.
Pledge to help Just Say Now pressure your state lawmaker to pass medical marijuana for patients in New York state.
Thank you for support and dedication. With your help, patients across New York state may finally get the medicine they need.
In Solidarity,
Brian Sonenstein
Director of Online Activism,
1. Push for Medical Marijuana in NY
Bring Medical Marijuana
to New York in 2012
According to recent reports, New York State Senator Diane Savino may soon introduce a medical marijuana bill to the state legislature.[SUP]1[/SUP]
If passed, this bill would allow patients to buy marijuana from licensed dispensaries, and allow those too poor or far from a dispensary to grow their own medication. Savino and the other supportive legislators are hoping to pass medical marijuana before the current session ends in June - so we need to move quickly and speak out to our representatives in Albany.
Were building up our campaign in support of safe access to marijuana for thousands of patients across New York state. Can you pledge to help Just Say Now fight for medical marijuana in New York this year?
Pledge to help Just Say Now fight for safe access to medical marijuana for patients in New York state.
Click here to pledge: http://action.firedoglake.com/page/s/ny-mmj-pledge
Medical marijuana bills have come up in the New York state legislature in the past, but many believe this year presents the best opportunity to finally pass this law.
More than 70 percent of New York voters support medical marijuana, and this bill has strong support in the Assembly.[SUP]2[/SUP] Medical marijuana advocates believe that with the right pressure, the Senate could finally pass it this year.
Thats why we need you to step up right now.With only a few months before the end of the legislative session, we have to make sure lawmakers in New York fully understand that medical marijuana patients in this state can wait no longer for relief.
Well be organizing calls to lawmakers offices, running ads and building a groundswell of support for medical marijuana in New York. Pledge now to help Just Say Now pass medical marijuana for New York state.
Pledge to help Just Say Now pressure your state lawmaker to pass medical marijuana for patients in New York state.
Thank you for support and dedication. With your help, patients across New York state may finally get the medicine they need.
In Solidarity,
Brian Sonenstein
Director of Online Activism,
1. Push for Medical Marijuana in NY
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