New York finally making a move..

This was a email I just recieved

Take the Pledge:
Bring Medical Marijuana
to New York in 2012

According to recent reports, New York State Senator Diane Savino may soon introduce a medical marijuana bill to the state legislature.[SUP]1[/SUP]
If passed, this bill would allow patients to buy marijuana from licensed dispensaries, and allow those too poor or far from a dispensary to grow their own medication. Savino and the other supportive legislators are hoping to pass medical marijuana before the current session ends in June - so we need to move quickly and speak out to our representatives in Albany.
We’re building up our campaign in support of safe access to marijuana for thousands of patients across New York state. Can you pledge to help Just Say Now fight for medical marijuana in New York this year?
Pledge to help Just Say Now fight for safe access to medical marijuana for patients in New York state.
Click here to pledge:
Medical marijuana bills have come up in the New York state legislature in the past, but many believe this year presents the best opportunity to finally pass this law.
More than 70 percent of New York voters support medical marijuana, and this bill has strong support in the Assembly.[SUP]2[/SUP] Medical marijuana advocates believe that with the right pressure, the Senate could finally pass it this year.
That’s why we need you to step up right now.With only a few months before the end of the legislative session, we have to make sure lawmakers in New York fully understand that medical marijuana patients in this state can wait no longer for relief.
We’ll be organizing calls to lawmakers’ offices, running ads and building a groundswell of support for medical marijuana in New York. Pledge now to help Just Say Now pass medical marijuana for New York state.
Pledge to help Just Say Now pressure your state lawmaker to pass medical marijuana for patients in New York state.
Thank you for support and dedication. With your help, patients across New York state may finally get the medicine they need.
In Solidarity,
Brian Sonenstein
Director of Online Activism,

1. Push for Medical Marijuana in NY
Contribute to Just Say Now to support marijuana legalization. Click here:
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Well-Known Member
wow I was just gonna post about whether or not people heard any news for NY this year. what a coinky dink!


Well-Known Member
this sounds pretty good, another long suffering NYer here
too poor would be a good change from the recent MMJ such as NJ
too far sounds like Arizona and it's 25 mile rule(or something like that), which i thought was utter crap, but it was better than nuttin


Well-Known Member
mmmmmm, Lets see how bad we get jammed up. 99 plant rule would make me happy because i can not grow for shit and need that many ;-)
I doubt we would get a 99 limit.. But I'm hoping for outdoors and 12 plant limit indoors;).. I would be more than happy with that but anything more is welcome.


Well-Known Member
hope it does not mess up our market, they get any thing from 400 to 600 for high end. sucks the vermont did not decrim weed, Knowing Ny they will want ya to spend big bucks on permits to grow and have to be 50 miles from any school or church. Not trying to be negative, but Ny sucks and I am to broke to move


Well-Known Member
hope it does not mess up our market, they get any thing from 400 to 600 for high end. sucks the vermont did not decrim weed, Knowing Ny they will want ya to spend big bucks on permits to grow and have to be 50 miles from any school or church. Not trying to be negative, but Ny sucks and I am to broke to move
i'm wary myself just what the less advertized parts will be like, tried checking out the assembly woman's web site, but no details


Active Member
Smokes are $12 a pack there,,,can you imagine what pot will cost?? They just want to make people feel good about it,,,,they will figure out a loop-hole somewhere to keep their arrest record in tact..


Active Member
this is an error on your web-site ,,,,not on me,,,,,please correct whatever you have done i can't go anywhere until you do.....thank you


Well-Known Member
The NY state assembly passed the mmj bill yesterday by 90 to 50. Now it has to pass in the sanate and there's only 6 days left before recess.

All New Yorkers, contact your state senator now and voice your support!


Well-Known Member
reading through the text, some good things i see provision for an affirmative defense, even if you haven't registered as a patient also no employment discrimination, and some other good features still trying figure if patients are allowed to cultivate, that seems to have changed from the last bill