New york city auto! anyone grow this


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2351544 I got the seed from SOS , it was a freebie. It's growing like a champ, I would love to know more about it. If you have pic or know anything about it leave me a message. Thanks in advance


It's from pyramid seeds, can handle about anything you can throw at it and loves LST!!! Mine is 6 wks old also from SOS (freebie), stunted like a mofo because of my newbie ass, but it is flowering like mad and she is smelllllllllllly. Your is looking good!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks mine almost died, been a long road. Got fungus Nat's and lock out from my newbie ass just got her back to where she's growing again. I don't know what happen she was looking great no problem and then out of no where started dieing I kept feeding trying to help but got worse. I took a breath and stopped and thought lol and saved her ass..