New World Citizens - How Well Do You Know Your Ancestry...???


Well-Known Member
People from North, Central, South America, Australia or New Zealand

How well do you know your ancestry...?

Do you know who was the first of your ancestors to arrive in America/Canada/Australia...?

When did they arrive?
Where did they arrive from?

Maybe you know of several ancestors who arrived at different times from different countries of origin?

I'd be interested to hear a few examples.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
People from North, Central, South America, Australia or New Zealand

How well do you know your ancestry...?

Do you know who was the first of your ancestors to arrive in America/Canada/Australia...?

When did they arrive?
Where did they arrive from?

Maybe you know of several ancestors who arrived at different times from different countries of origin?

I'd be interested to hear a few examples.

I was adopted, illegally, really.


Well-Known Member
Father's side: Grandmother is Japanese, Grandfather is Native American (Ojibwe)

Father was born in Japan on American army base Late 50's then moved to America

Mother's side: European Grandparents, Irish, French, English, Swedish, Norwegian, German

Mother's family lived in America for a few generations.


Well-Known Member
Father's side: Grandmother is Japanese, Grandfather is Native American (Ojibwe)

Father was born in Japan on American army base Late 50's then moved to America

Mother's side: European Grandparents, Irish, French, English, Swedish, Norwegian, German

Mother's family lived in America for a few generations.


Well-Known Member
Lets see... I'm half dirty sav... (Don't you chimooks try usin' that one...) And the rest is 2 steps above the fuckin' welsh bastards...

Mother's half unrecognized NE tribe (whitey sure can hold a grudge, it's been like 300 years since we did that shit to your forts... But, you fuckers deserved it for letting those nasty Pennsylvania "Dutch" rape our women ,) part potato munching drunkard (errr, Irish) with a little Scotsman thrown in just to humiliate our lineage...

Father's half drunkard terrorist (N. Irish,) and half Wea Indian.

Me, I'm a fuckin' Native American Patriot.