New ways to kill your plants....


Active Member
I thought that I would share some of my mistakes.

1. Overwatering.
2. Overfertilizing.
3. Too much human interference.

anyone else want to add ???


Well-Known Member
yep i know now not to love them so much... my plants are small and not much yeild.


Well-Known Member
being on my first solo grow im probabally going to mess up a shitload i hope i don't in return have to start over but good luck...if i fuck up ill be sure to post on this thread ;) ;)


Active Member
main problem was that I assumed...instead of research. if I did my homework, it would've been avoided. small plants, and small yield, is better than zero ... :)


Well-Known Member
your list covers all the mistakes we make in the beginning. at least you got them all in one grow so you're ready for next year; most of us spread those mistakes out over a couple years! :)

one thing i'll add is termites. i found out the hard way that they will eat a live plant. if you have lots of dead wood and dead roots in the area they will find your plants and eat them from the inside out - fast.
