New usa president the anti christ??


Active Member
Whats your take people on the whole 2012 end of days and anti christ coming to start the end of days. Curious to hear an insight on what us stoners think of it. ;) I think i never hurts to speak your mind.


Well-Known Member
Whats your take people on the whole 2012 end of days and anti christ coming to start the end of days. Curious to hear an insight on what us stoners think of it. ;) I think i never hurts to speak your mind.
Are you suggesting Obahma has a blue turban in his closet?


Well-Known Member
me and my wife had this argument she said she thinks obama is here for a purpose and not of the good kind. So I asked her if she thought he was a anti-christ and she said she could see that. 2012 i hadnt thought about the 2 together. But i will have to laugh and say no, no anti-christ there. If you are looking for some sort of hitler style ruler. look no farther than russia's Puntin i believe he could be the anti-christ.This guy has a cult like following and has vowed to be the prime minister of russia indefinately. He kills off his competition or has them thrown in jail. He rewrites there constitution as he sees fit. And if i may remind you that Russia is no longer this poverty stricken country. In the last 10 years has become one of the worlds rising super powers.


Active Member
I personally think the whole twin towers thing was a cover up, same as the jfk killing. I believe That George W bush was a puppet on a string having a higher organisation ruling him. Osama I believe wont show his face again much more, I think there is a sign of change I dont know the whole politics in usa and names and all, but if the black dude one 1st black usa president , Hilary clinton wins 1st women president in usa. Something is up and I can see 2008 is gonna have some big changes. dont you all agree?


Well-Known Member
me and my wife had this argument she said she thinks obama is here for a purpose and not of the good kind. So I asked her if she thought he was a anti-christ and she said she could see that. 2012 i hadnt thought about the 2 together. But i will have to laugh and say no, no anti-christ there. If you are looking for some sort of hitler style ruler. look no farther than russia's Puntin i believe he could be the anti-christ.This guy has a cult like following and has vowed to be the prime minister of russia indefinately. He kills off his competition or has them thrown in jail. He rewrites there constitution as he sees fit. And if i may remind you that Russia is no longer this poverty stricken country. In the last 10 years has become one of the worlds rising super powers.
The prophesy was that the third anti-Christ would be well liked, good looking, and wear a blue turban. Every person he touches, will do his bidding. I do not believe that Nostradamus was aware of the 2012 Mayan calender prophesy. I used to wonder if Bill Clinton had a blue hat. But, for a thousand years men have tried to guess who the Dark One was.


Active Member
The prophesy was that the third anti-Christ would be well liked, good looking, and wear a blue turban. Every person he touches, will do his bidding. I do not believe that Nostradamus was aware of the 2012 Mayan calender prophesy. I used to wonder if Bill Clinton had a blue hat. But, for a thousand years men have tried to guess who the Dark One was.

One thing we all know is, The anti christ is already born I am sure of this, too many cultures have 2012 end of day prophecies.


Well-Known Member

Every single generation post 0 A.D. has predicted the apocalypse in their generation. The last recent ones were 2000, and 1988. They all have one thing in common, they are all wrong (of course).

And my best argument that 2012 isn't the apocalypse is simply The Bible

"Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

Nobody knows but God. And thats how it should be.


Well-Known Member
i will have to agree with Zen only God knows when the end will be. I will also have to say that prophets or mathematicians may know the day but the exact hour or min or even sec may be the final factor as to why God is the only one who knows. On the other hand there are quite a few 2012 predictions some dating back thousands of years + the more recent being the bible codes. I am sure 2008 is the beginning of some major change in the world not just the U.S.A


Well-Known Member
i think the antichrist is the catholic church. between 1200-1400 the holy roman catholic church killed more people over religious beliefs than any other time in history. why were people persicuted? because they didnt see the pope as "god" in human flesh. also the pope is trying to unify all of europe as a super power. just imagine if the roman church got that much power again!!! the book of daniel says that the antichrist will attack jerusalem from the north. this again points to europe.

im not going to start worrying about it until i hear the pope wants to move his thrown from rome to jerusalem. then i know we have entered the 3 1/2 year period before the return of jesus.


New Member
What does the "Eye" on top of the pyramid on the reverse side of our dollar bill have to say about this? Has anyone asked the leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations about it? How about the Masons? I bet Dick Cheney knows. :blsmoke:



Active Member
worst thing coming is the comet due to hit around 2012 dec 27, mayan calender egypt and aztec all end dec 25 -27 2012. Talking about a comet called Niburo If I can recall.. Nostrodames still predicted this long ago, just only fully understood recently. third world war breaks out over food and water with remaining countries after the comet hits. Thats what i see happening ;)


Well-Known Member
actually may 12/21,2012 is where our sun completes it's one revolution around the milky way,every 26,000 yrs or something like that.
there is supposed to be a electro-magnetic shift in the poles of the earth at the same date givin.enter quantum mechanics of the atom into the earths shift and now where talking about being sucked into the sun....


Active Member
basically people... 2012 is the end, one way or the other, or OH WAIT.. maybe all this shit is goin down. i believe obama is the most possible candidate to be the anti christ.. think about it AMERICA. think where we have come from.. black slavery, civil war.. but yet AMERICA is showing the most support for this africa american (yet i say MUSLIM) candidate in decades(kind of an awkward coincidence) wouldnt you say?? not only is obama going to win but hes going to win in a landslide. for a short time things are going to appear to be better than ever all over the world, world unity.. and then the evil will begin and obama will start puppeting the entire world for his evil deeds.. and the world will be torn in turmoil and chaos.. I'm no psychic nor prophet but ladies and gentlemen.. this could be it. this is the most legitament likely hood of the end of the world that has come about to this day.. this isnt some fuckin y2k joke.. think about it. before now the most intelligent and technological empires were the mayans and egyptians.. they all knew something that we havent touched because socety has tainted itself from the earth. live it up people. LIVE AND LOVE, cause 2012 could be it.. and im not gonna be one of the people that sits around and waits and then says "oh shit, i guess they were right" if its not the end then its not the end but hell... it sure looks like it.


New Member
I'm gonna get dressed up in white robes and walk the streets chanting: "The world is coming to an end! The world is coming to an end!

I'm gonna keep doing this until the Men In The White Coats come to take me away to live happily ever after in a comfortable padded cell! I figure Med could use a room mate. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
the amount of pain and suffering america has been through is microscopic compared to the stuff that has happened in europe. i would be more scared of the pope gaining power throughout europe than the president of the united states..