Well today i recieved some new toys.
So far I have a 5' 6" tall 3 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet deep cabinet.
I also have a 4 bulb flourecent fixture for clones and Veg.
I also have a small fan temp/hydrometer.
Along with a clone dome and some soil nutes and smart pots.
Today i recived this.

My new Lumitek 400w ballast. a 435cfm fan, A Hortalux hps bulb, A Daystar AC reflector hood.
I still need a few things. charcoal filter is a big one. I think this big ass fan is way over kill thinking i may be trying to return it for something smaller and quieter one. Affraid it may draw the kids attention and not wanting that.
Oh by the way its a 6" fan I got it to match the size of the AC hood.
Any suggestions on a suitable fan that will filter or scrubb enough air to keep odars under controll. The total internal volume of the cabinet is 22.5 Cu. Ft. what size CFM fan should i be using and can anyone recomend and good quiet one. Needs to be as compact and quiet as possible.
So far I have a 5' 6" tall 3 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet deep cabinet.
I also have a 4 bulb flourecent fixture for clones and Veg.
I also have a small fan temp/hydrometer.
Along with a clone dome and some soil nutes and smart pots.
Today i recived this.

My new Lumitek 400w ballast. a 435cfm fan, A Hortalux hps bulb, A Daystar AC reflector hood.
I still need a few things. charcoal filter is a big one. I think this big ass fan is way over kill thinking i may be trying to return it for something smaller and quieter one. Affraid it may draw the kids attention and not wanting that.
Oh by the way its a 6" fan I got it to match the size of the AC hood.
Any suggestions on a suitable fan that will filter or scrubb enough air to keep odars under controll. The total internal volume of the cabinet is 22.5 Cu. Ft. what size CFM fan should i be using and can anyone recomend and good quiet one. Needs to be as compact and quiet as possible.