New toys...


Well today i recieved some new toys.

So far I have a 5' 6" tall 3 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet deep cabinet.

I also have a 4 bulb flourecent fixture for clones and Veg.

I also have a small fan temp/hydrometer.

Along with a clone dome and some soil nutes and smart pots.

Today i recived this.

New Supplies.jpg

My new Lumitek 400w ballast. a 435cfm fan, A Hortalux hps bulb, A Daystar AC reflector hood.

I still need a few things. charcoal filter is a big one. I think this big ass fan is way over kill thinking i may be trying to return it for something smaller and quieter one. Affraid it may draw the kids attention and not wanting that.

Oh by the way its a 6" fan I got it to match the size of the AC hood.

Any suggestions on a suitable fan that will filter or scrubb enough air to keep odars under controll. The total internal volume of the cabinet is 22.5 Cu. Ft. what size CFM fan should i be using and can anyone recomend and good quiet one. Needs to be as compact and quiet as possible.

is your fan a 4" 5" or 6" ? Get a filter for it Buddy is a good budget make and Rhino make very good filters but you do pay a bit more for them

As for noise you get acoustic ducting and silencer tubes and boxes but if your fan is contented to something solid the noise will not be too bad
I would keep that fan and just buy a $25 fan speed controller. The extra cfm's from that fan may come in handy if you upgrade to more watts or if your cab gets hot in the summer.

with your small cab even if you dimmed that fan to 25% your still exhausting your cab in 10-15 seconds which is plenty of fresh air for your plants. They say you want to exhaust your room atleast once every three minutes if its not a sealed enviroment.
is your fan a 4" 5" or 6" ? Get a filter for it Buddy is a good budget make and Rhino make very good filters but you do pay a bit more for them

As for noise you get acoustic ducting and silencer tubes and boxes but if your fan is contented to something solid the noise will not be too bad

Thanks for the info on the filters. Its a 6 inch fan. was hoping to connect a filter to the AC hood and the fan on the other side. then run flex pipe out of the fan up through the stealth box up to my attick but theres not enough room for all 3 to go side by side and have enough room for a 90* on the flex pipe to turn up so now i have to re think everything.

Im good with building stuff. If i built a air tight sealed box out of 1/2 MDF with a 6" port on top and bottom installed the fan inside and packed it with insulation would that kill the noise.
I would keep that fan and just buy a $25 fan speed controller. The extra cfm's from that fan may come in handy if you upgrade to more watts or if your cab gets hot in the summer.

with your small cab even if you dimmed that fan to 25% your still exhausting your cab in 10-15 seconds which is plenty of fresh air for your plants. They say you want to exhaust your room atleast once every three minutes if its not a sealed enviroment.

I dont think i can upgrade in wattage. As small as this cabinet is anything larger than 400 watts would probably melt the cabinet lol. But you are right in the summer it gets pretty hot down here in Florida so the over kill in the ventilation would have to be a good thing. I like the Idea of a fan contoller.

I build speaker boxes for car audio systems and am very good with wood so building a completly sealed box to mount this fan in and seal it with liquid nails would be no big deal. in doing so and packing it with fiber fill and using insulated ducting should quiet it down some.

I plan on cutting a hole in my ceiling and running insulated flex duct up to the attick.

Please let me ask what size passive air intake should i cut into the bottom back side of the cabinet with this size fan. Ive bought a rectangular house charcoal filter to cover the passive intake port. I can cut it to size so I can cover any size hole. Im going to double layer the filter one inside and one out side. will help with light controll odor controll and pest controll and micro organism controll should be a great set up.

Any and all info on how to set this up will be great. thank you so much HMB.....
Cool just make sure you suck from the filter and don`t blow into it as they last half as long that way

Post up some pics when it`s all set up and I`m sure people will give you input.
Cool just make sure you suck from the filter and don`t blow into it as they last half as long that way

Post up some pics when it`s all set up and I`m sure people will give you input.

Yea will do hope to get a chance to work on it this weekend. Still have to figure out what size passive intake hole to cut in the lower back of my cabinet.

I mean i can cut it small and then re cut it again if need be but would rather do it once and do it right.

Just taking a stabb in the dark but I was thinking about cutting a rectangle 4 inches tall and 10 inches wide in the center lower back side of the cabinet. where could i find some referance material to figure out what size it should be.

And yes i plan on having the filter on the inside of the cabinet that way to filter the air before i draw it passed the light fixture to help keep the inside of the ac hood clean as possible.

You don`t really need a hole much bigger then your extraction hole if it`s a decent fan on your extract but 2 to 4 times your extract for inlet just to be on the safe side is fine.

Of course if your using an inlet fan too then you want to balance them up as close as you can always best to have more extract so you know everything is getting drawn into the filter.
Nope only running one fan and its bad ass. Way over kill for my small box.

My box internal volume is 22.5 cu. Ft. Its a 435 cfm fan. But im going to get a fan controller for it to run at half speed to try and quiet it down some. With insulated ducting.
4x10 should be good for a passive intake for your cab. I think the passive on my 4x4 tents (104 cubic ft) are 6x12 and I only have one open on each.
Edit: I think the rule of thumb according to the grow bibles is to use a passive intake twice the size of the exhaust.