New To Yur Site But Been Around The Forest A few Times. Thanks fur havin me.

Howdy Folks

Be new here and be bit quiet till I be gettin the hang and lay of the land. Hopin to learn were I need learnin and maybe teach were I be confident in teachin. Stoke my fire and always got some viddles cookin on the fire. Stop by the camp pull up a stump and be introducin yur self. Like to meet new pilgrems!

Hope to be gettin to know some yu folk be makin some friends.

Be lookin at thisin here place be a bit established groups? Lots of us new folk here not even gettin a response? I be thankin yu for yur response pilgrem set by my fire anytime. I be settin back waitin fur my invetation be comin in the mail anyday now fur a friendly group be needin new folks to join LOL
