New to this,


Ive got 2 barneys pineapple express autos that are 16 days old today. Ive got 2 2700k bulbs, equaling 175 wats and a 6500k bulb 75 watt, in a home made grow box with holes cut in back and slit under door in front and a fan to blow around in it, temps are between 75 and 87 night n day.. Using miracle grow which feeds the plants fir 6 months.. I have given no nutes and use bottled water so far.. My leaves have little bright grreen yellowish spots and some leaf veins are yellow like and edges are a little dryish or yellowish.. Im not sure pls help anyone.. Thanks
im new to this to so im not sure whats going on with ur sprout but to upload a pic jus go to the quick reply on ur thread at the bottom and click on the little picture frame 3 boxes in from the abc check and upload from your comp hope this helps