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I dunno, to be honest, your plants look a lot better than mine did my first indoor grow!I only use Fox Farm now though, and I get great results.


Active Member
hi guys,its my 3rd week of flowering,still got nute probs as u can see but hey ho its my 1st go at growing,al prob use soil next time a think,

ps my temp is now reading 87f as we have had a hot spell in weather and seems to be affecting temp in ma plant cubicle,is this too high??

thanks again!

pps i now only have 5 plants from original crop (profile foto) of 10



They are looking good, my man! Despite the nute issues, they seem to be flowering fine. You adjusted to your bloom nutes I assume That could be the reason for the yellowing, lack of Nitrogen, but they're burning potassium and phosphorus like it's going out of style. Now, is your little room adjustable? I remember you thought you might have issues with that, but it looks like you got it all taken care of. And since I haven't posted anything in like 2 weeks, I'll fill you in. CRYSTAL CAKED EVERYTHING. It's beautiful. I have to wear sunglasses when I open the tent they sparkle that much. Mine have between 2 and 3 weeks to go I am guessing. The hairs juuuuuuuusst started turning colors yesterday. And my AK top cola is seriously the size and shape of my fist. Either way man, yours are looking good. And they may not look like much now, but wait a couple weeks. You'll wake up and be like HOLY CRAP those got big. Good job man. Glad you and I are damn near on the same spot in our grow. When you thinking about planting crop 2?


Active Member
howdy bud,yeah av heard of the "six week explosion" you may be reffering about...cant wait,lol,as for crop number 2....well thats gonna be a tricky one as the missus wants it all out of the house,but am hoping once she see's the final results (shes a toker as well) her mind will change (fingers crossed),and to tell the truth there still on same nutes as from veg stage but from what you have told me and from what av read i have messed up in that department and should have changed them,nevermind al know next time!,forgot to say as well 2 of the 5 plants av got are "rouge" seeds that started this all off,the others are white widow i bought couple of weeks after i started,think i may go for AK next time tho heard a lot of good reports bout them.anyway take care and al post some more pics in a couple of weeks time again.

ps would love to see a picture of yours they sound well good


damn dude...those look spectacular! I thought mine were doing good. Yours are absolutely off the chain man! You are going to have an amazing harvest. I got one just about ready...maybe a week or two. It's a little guy, but smells like a really big one. One is just behind that. Then I got a couple of sativa dominant crosses...not really sure what they are. They will be behind that. Looks like you optimized your space really well. That's what I'm aiming for on the next one. Doing one top on all of them, but doing less plants. 7 plants in a 4x4 room is just ridiculous. Awesome grow man. I'm still working on those pics for you. I cannot for the life of me find my damn camera!


Active Member
yeah a cnt believe how well they have come on !,plus my m8s just agreed to do same grow in his house (wife not havin it),so this time its gonna be 400watt metal halide from start and best seeds i can find (realy fancy the white widow/afgan kush hybrid) plus am gonna change nutes to foxfarm so next harvest hopefuly will not be as long as this one (5 months),was even thinkin of soil as hydro is for the pros i think?

just wish they were ready,tired of smokin solid!!


I'm not sure about hydro. I'm still researching into that whole bit. I mean, my grow is way small, so it's not really practical for me to start hydro until I can expand at least another 4x4ft. But you don't have to get all fancy pots and shit. I just got some 3 gallon grow bags for like 10 cents a piece and a couple bags of foxfarm soil. It was like 40 bucks tops. And yeah, my harvest is taking a hot minute too man. I was hoping at least one of them was goin to be ready this week, but it looks like at least another one after this. it's to be worth the wait to let those calyxes swell to the max!


Hey they are. They are turning pink and orange and red and purple, if I had some white it would be a mini canna heaven! They just started to swell...they will be monstrous. Well, at least to me. I didn't expect them to get as big as they are. So, I'm happy either way.



Active Member
they look awesome bud,am well jealous!,mines are fucked as the hermi i had must have "shot its load" all over ma beautiful virgins b4 i got rid of it and i now have pollinated plants,i have read that u can still save them but its 2 late i have already chopped them,ah well al just have to put it down to experience

ps i want 1 of them shades u have in pic


if you are referring to the reflector it's a sun system yield master II. It's pretty sweet. You said you were doing 400? A lot of folks were like, dude you should be doing this with 600. Yeah, the 400 doesn't run nearly as hot, so I can keep it 6 to 8 inches from the plants like I did for the majority of the veg and about half the flower until they all grew to different sizes, and they are doing nicely. And alomst done. How are yours coming along? I hope they are well man...I've had one just fucked up and deformed since birth and she has some of the fattest stickiest buds out of the bunch.