New to this, need help with random questions


Hey there, pretty new at this. I've seen a few random YouTube vids and got inspired, but still have questions of course. I started by germinating 7 seeds in a cup of water for 2 days, just regular brick weed atm, and planted them in a Rapid Rooter plug tray, with a heating pad but no humidity cover. I had a generic small fluorescent "grow light" from Lowe's that I started with, and got 2 of the seeds to sprout up, they're pretty tall and have the first set of leaves. Yesterday I bought 2 OttLites, 1500 lumens each at 5850K, since I figured they might be best for the blue spectrum, plus way more light output than that little light. But I'm starting to wonder if they were maybe not the way to go. I've also been using water mixed with RapidStart, but I'm planning to throw them in some FoxFarm soil, not going hydroponic yet.

So here are my random questions:

1) Should I forgo one of the OttLites and go back to the grow light, or maybe use a combination?

2) I've heard random seeds can make hermaphrodites. What are the odds of this happening as opposed to getting a single gender?

3) I've ordered a Hortilux Blue lamp, and according to them it's good for the whole life of the plant. Is that really the case? I'm on a budget atm. Is it also good for seedlings?

4) Should I have even used the Growdan plugs or just started them off in soil, or does it even matter?

Any help is much appreciated!
1,u can use a t5 light u don't want too much lights on them cuz their seedlings,2,any plant can hermi cuz of stress,3,never heard of the lamp eventually u wuld wana go with a hps lamp,4,all up 2 u I wuld plant n soil using a red solo cup just so u can get a gud root structure started,hope this helps


Good info! Yeah, I guess this light I have is a T2, but at least it's done something. I'll look into getting some T5's for sure. I plan on getting that SunLeaves 400W MicroSun, since it has a ballast and does HPS and MH, but that's down the road a bit. I'll def try the cup thing when I get some more seeds.

Had another random question I forgot. When you harvest, do you have to kill the plant, or do ppl just cut some branches and wait for them to regrow? Or can you pick off the buds but leave the branches?
It all depends on the person,I cut whole plant,but the plant can b reveged but its a longer process
No u can't just cut off budz they have to hang 2 b cured