new to this grow shit man


Active Member
Waz up guys ok I am totally new to this growing stuff man just tired of the hassle of the great American search in my neck of the woods
so thougt I would try my hand at growng my on in my closet. If anybody has any tips I can use i would be greatful for them and just some general ideas on how to use stuff I have just laying around my house kind on a tight budget ya know.


Well-Known Member
The best tip I can give you is to read the forums on here. You will find everything you need to know about the general types of growing. Once you have researched the setup that works best for your needs and budget and start your grow then you can ask more specific questions about the lighting, soil, nutes, etc you are running and everyone will be more than happy to help. So just research up on what setup would be more practical for your own specific grow and start from there. Good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I would suggest looking into CFL bulbs as a cheap start. Just research on here. Some guys are getting awesome results from CFL grows.