I've been vaping for about a year and half.
My partner had purchased a Vapor Bros box years ago, but we weren't really using it to peak efficiency. Once I learned how vaporizers were supposed to work, heating to under combustion, it was pretty decent. No comparison to the water pipe, my personal favorite.
In 2009, I purchased an iOlite portable vaporizer and wasn't too impressed. Realize, I was using regs and mids for medicine and the quality wasn't worth the vape. Combustion has its benefits for not-so-hot cannabis.
That Christmas, I broke down and bought the Volcano with all my holiday money. It changed my mind on vaporizers. The switch to a bag took some getting used to, but the vape was much clearer for my lungs (allergy-related asthma). Also, the left-overs were perfect for butter/coconut oil. In fact, making some vape-duff capsules got me through Disney World--a lot of walking while pushing a wheel chair. Obviously, full bud or trim would make much more potent medicine. The trade-off is that you get a LOT of left-over duff to experiment with potency.
Some of these new models look awesome. I don't really want to push one brand over another. The effects and efficiency of vapes are established, though. If you have access to tasty medicinal grade, there is no reason to combust--unless that's your bag. In that case, try supplementing combustion with a vaporizer to give your lungs a break. Also, if you medicate before bed it is healthier to vaporize, tincturize, or consume an edible (without sugar, if possible). Smoking constricts blood vessels, raises BP/HR, and interferes with REM. Just FYI.
Keep Medicating and Be Well,
Curious Daimon