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Hello everyone! I am a prop 215 patient and recently decided to attempt to grow my own. This will be an indoor project with approx. 10ft x 5ft of space. I need some help/advice on how to grow healthy cannabis.

what do i need?

what are the steps?



Well-Known Member
You will find reading all you can very valuable.

My suggestion is great air flow. A source of cool fresh air in low and hot used air out from the top.

A great light is very important and what you choose depends on you but many folks like the 400 to 600 watt high pressure sodium lights.

You will have to decide if you are going to do one of the ponics, hydroponic, aeroponic or geoponic (soil)

Most people feel better about indoor grows when they use odor control so looking into activated carbon systems will also be something to do.

That is a beginning. So what are your ideas? They are the most important for your grow.

What are you looking to do? 4 plants 8 ??

And Welcome!
You will find reading all you can very valuable.

My suggestion is great air flow. A source of cool fresh air in low and hot used air out from the top.

A great light is very important and what you choose depends on you but many folks like the 400 to 600 watt high pressure sodium lights.

You will have to decide if you are going to do one of the ponics, hydroponic, aeroponic or geoponic (soil)

Most people feel better about indoor grows when they use odor control so looking into activated carbon systems will also be something to do.

That is a beginning. So what are your ideas? They are the most important for your grow.

What are you looking to do? 4 plants 8 ??

And Welcome!
yeah good airflow was hard to get but I got it to work.

My light is a high pressure sodium 400w

My plan is to do it in soil (newbie question: is hydro really noticable in quality of the final product?)

how much would a carbon system be?

I'd like to grow 12 but I know each light only produces enough light for 8 right?

Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical growers bible. Jorge Cervantes
thats a good place to start
thanks i will def. check that out right now.
Ah yes we must understand the life cycle of Cannabis. very important!


Well-Known Member
There are a few home made Carbon scrubbers.
Many people are picking up the granule activated carbon from places like Wallmart.

I am still ordering 4 MM pellet in 50 pound sacks since all my carbon scrubbers are designed around 4 MM pellet.

Do a search for carbon scrubbers here and Google it but just about every grow site has some do it yourself DIY Carbon scrubber.

Then there is the commercial cans that are ready made. Easy to deal with if you can afford retail prices.
any pics of what im looking for? and thanks alot for guiding me in the right direction.

Another question... what other strains besides green crack and sour diesel produce a great quantity but are still quality?
hey guys and gals... what would be a good soil to use? ive heard yeild is higher if a "better" soil from a hydro store is used (i was told fox farm is great?). is this true? any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Lets see pre-made carbon scrubbers are matched to fans for air flow. So have to look up CFM and figure out what works right for you situation.
On DIY Well just google Carbon Scrubber there are DIY and Videos ... LOL Videos can you dig it?
Times are changing.

Soil.. My point of view is that most good soil mixes are just a start and that feeding the soil by top dressing is what really makes plants grow buff. is a wonderful place to explore the concepts of soi like the Soil food web. Trust me bacteria eat materials and even in pots the soil food web works.
But for a first time grower you can mix compost, peat + coconut coir + perlite to get a base soil.
Minerals are important as well as the other nutrients.

i use rice flour , fresh ground coffee, azomite, Epsom salts, bone meal, green sand, compost, and crushed oyster shell plus more and grind up in a coffee bean grinder then sprinkle.
Oh I an trying to get away from sea bird guanos but the come in all strengths.

feel free to ask me more.. what you decide is on you but I do thing this way.
ok so ive finally got my setup up and running. and advice on how to grow SD and/or MD?

heres what ive got let me know if im missing something or you dont recommend i use it.
- master a 4-0-3
- master b 1-5-6
- gravity flower hardener 0-0.1-0
- purple maxx snow storm 0-0-3
- snow storm ultra 0-0-3
- diamond nectar premium grade humic acids 0-1-1
- sweet grape

- PH up
- PH down
- PH digital tester
ok so... newbie question... about how much should my indoor grow be growing a week height wise? im at about 16 days into the grow and i havent seen too much progress height wise. should i be worried?
anyone??? i have one more question any feedback is appreciated. for some reason my balast just burnt out... how will that effect my girls if i leave them that way until friday at the latest


Active Member
ok so... newbie question... about how much should my indoor grow be growing a week height wise? im at about 16 days into the grow and i havent seen too much progress height wise. should i be worried?
Can you post a picture of the plants? They should be several inches if they sprouted 16 days ago...