New to the New England Woods

leave them as long as you can, don't harvest because of a frost, play it day to day. A hard frost may cause some damage depending how long it was cold enough to crystallize the water. For frost to cause damage it has to be cold enough, long enough for the water inside the plant to freeze and damage the plants cells, this won't happen just from surface moisture freezing. There are other factors at play also, a few hours of cold temps with a nice sunny day after shouldn't cause issue. Also if there is any kind of canopy above the plants the evaporation from the ground throughout the day will create a warmer micro climate underneath, and will shield your plants, also depending how long and cold it stays

Awesome man thanks for the advice. Always welcome :)

Hey there man! Hope its going well, have pineapple express, jamaican dream, nl#5, fruit punch, and purple buddah up in northern maine.! Ill be stopping in here and there to check in and see whats up!

Hey whats going on? Great bro keep in touch!

Lookin hella good on those plants man gotta say that you adapted well to your new environment lol

Thanks man!

One of my smallest just checked on her today looks like were getn over the bugs that hit her

Wow shes fillin out huh?
I was just to the west of the bad stuff. The worst I had was a couple of plants split where I had topped them. Also a touch of PM from the after storm rain.
Ok good. Hadnt heard from you in awhile wanted to make sure everything was ok.
The blueberry is astoundingly healthy and showing itself to be a great Dj short phenotype that can handle outdoors. Exactly what im looking for so i took two clones from her in early flower that have just rooted.
Strawberry cough #2 although a little behind #1 is staring to pack on resin and is going to be some really good bud i can already tell


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S.C. #220160910_072509.jpg
Ok i just gpt back from a visit to the away from home plot. All the males in their respective plots are in full bloom . ill be collecting pollen from the most vigorus strawberry cough and afghani what i also look for is the males that are fastest to mature for breeding. I have a couple females away from the male plots and a couple that are with the males. They are fully pollinated.
These plants get sun from dawn to dusk compared to my backyard plants that get 6 hours. Increasing more and more as the sun falls lower on the horizon. Anyways they look good and i am happy the females all got fed full strength bloom nutrients.

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Pollinated Female
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Nice Strawberry Cough male

Holy Matrimony
As soon as i got home i bagged up my clothes and ran for the shower lol
Smart move. Get that pollen washed off as soon as you can. I got three seeds off last year's BP without trying to. Glad I did, just wish I knew for sure it was crossed with Slo1. I'm saying Slo1 since I only used the GV5 on the other plants in the GV patch, then gave the pollen to my BIL.
So aggravated right now because something nawed the bark off my blueberries main stem grr. I dont think it happened last night and its not really affecting the plant much but still ot pissed me off.
Sun is finally out today which makes me happy though.

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I hate spiders a lot. But i like them on my plants, protect away.

The outdoor blueberry is not going to make it through the day. Whatever got its stem im guessing a mouse cut off all arterial flow. Extreme drooping and yellowing happened through the night