New to the growing need help.

One day i was smoking a fatty, and i decided to dig a random hole in the ground and throw a seed or 2 in it. i then came back bout a month later to find a 2" plant.. i brought it home and put it in the bottom half of a milk jug.. i need advice asap pleaseeeeeeeee... i really want this lil' baby to grow.

I know this may sound ignorant.. but ive realized how much of an art there is to growing MJ. and i wana learn.. please im in desperate need for advice


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like weed but I've had plants that didn't look like weed till they were 6in tall. Just wait another week and see what becomes of it


Well-Known Member
Its not weed ... BUT grow it anyways ... care for it ... love it ... practice growing ... learn to love the plant no matter what it is .... get a feel for how the plant reacts and watch it grow ...learn from it ... Then grow some weed :)