New to the community


Active Member
Hello all,

Im new to this site and have found it quite informative. I enjoy the cultivation area and hearing everyones direction.

I look at cultivation of Marijuana as a journey. I started as a smoker, then became a broker and then became a grower and now im moving toward activism.

I believe marijuana is medicine. I believe it is also a way for people to speak thier minds and speak truthfully, and it is one of natures natural calming agent.

I love the pure enjoyment of growing. It sincerely brings me joy. Im still learning myself. Ive got 7 years experience as an apprentice in growing. I learned from a master grower who is STILL off the grid. And ive taken a few classes at Oaksterdam which helped alot.

I plan to be very involved in this site and getting to know people here. I still have to set up my profile.

"Good Karma, No Drama cuz aint nobody got time for that"


Well-Known Member
Seven years as apprentice? You're practically a Ph.D. around here. Welcome aboard, homie.
I just joined today also...I look forward to hearing your input in future threads. I myself am just now getting into the art of cultivation..Ive done it before but never really put the time and TLC i should have in it. For about the past year ive done some heavy research tho and this site has gave me alot of helpful info and thats what persuaded me to join.


Active Member
Thank you ltecato,

Id like to learn more about the technical sides of things and gain everyones experience. Some things i still have'nt learned.