New to RIU 1st Time Grower


Well-Known Member
Hey all, been following RIU for a couple months, but have finally decided to start my first grow. I have a grow journal I have started: that I would greatly appreciate if you check out and comment on. Let me know what you think, and advice is always greatly appreciated. Looking to get my feet wet before moving to an even more friendly state.

Also, just want to say thank you to those who have also already been so helpful with questions and concerns, as I have made a couple mistakes already. I guess that's the learning curve.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the family! You are correct: mistakes should be viewed as a way to learn and grow. I've made some, just recently lost 16 seedlings, expensive genetics too. It hurt for awhile but I figured it out and when I plant the next batch, I'll have much better success. I'm about to check out your journal. :weed: