New to pot-ponics 1 question


Hi as heading states im new to pot-ponics and im looking for a little advice as to watering, basically i'm wondering if its ok to set up a reservior and hand feed from that rather than have to make fresh solution every couple of days, i've bought ph meter and bluelab truncheon so monitoring solution wont be a problem i also have nute heater and aeration kit for reservoir, im fairly confident that there shouldn't be a problem but i also appreciate that other people may have had problems using same method any advice would be much appreciated :


Well-Known Member
As long as you keep the mix aerated you should be fine. I found when I did my dwc grow it was just more easy for me to mix a fresh batch every time. Whatever works for you I say go for it.


Thanks thats set my mind at rest was a little worried i was making a mistake by not mixing fresh, it will be well aerated, my first time out of soil well nervous :)


Active Member
you should change out the res every once in a while... like 1-2 weeks to get fresh nutes at the right ratios.


thanks mufastaa change will be weekly as they're going to be hand watered so once established im expecting it to be near empty as my res is only 100 litres feeding 20 10ltre pots


Active Member
100 liters is a really big res. mine is like 20 for two plants. with a bigger size like that you could probably do two weeks between changes. keep an eye on the ph though that can change on the daily, especially with bigger plants. also the ppm.

my plants are drinking about 2 liters a day right now, so I keep topping it off every day also. i could probably go for 3 days without maintenance though if i left.

what nutrients?


LOL yea its pretty big but will be feeding 20 plants, i'll be using canna a&b, cannazym, rhizotonic& pk13/14, going to be using coco as my medium, as this is my first time out of soil i'm just going to follow the feed chart supplied from growell and see how i fare :)