New To Organics...Is This Mix Ok?


Well-Known Member
First off, thanks for taking the time to read my thread.

I have been growing my own meds for almost 4yrs now. I have been using pretty much an organic/chemical mix of nutes. But after doing some long over due research, I found out that my bloom boosters contain heavy metals and a bunch of other stuff I don't want in my buds.

So now I come to you great folks to steer me in the right direction. I have been using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro for about 6 months and I love it.

I will be using FF Ocean Forest soil, and a small trial batch of Bio-Bizz All Mix to see how that works out as it comes highly recomended.

I plan on using the Pure Blend Pro as my base nute. I may switch to Iguana Juice in a while, but thats another story. So with PBP as my base, I plan to add:

AN Carbo Load

AN Sweet Leaf or GH Flora Nectar (I don't think flora nectar is organic, but its pretty damn close and way cheaper but has almost the same ingredients.)

Roots Organics Ancient Amber (Fulvic Acid)

Roots Organics HP2 (0-4-0) liquid guano

Roots Organics HPK (0-5-4) liquid guano

Metanaturals Organic Calcium

Metanaturals Microblast

Metanaturals Meta K

I plan on 2 feedings then 1 plain watering. I will use the PBP, calcium, fulvic acid, carbo load, and sweet leaf/flora nectar on all waterings, but I plan on only using the Microblast every other feeding.

I will use HP2 and HPK which are 0-4-0 and 0-5-4. Then for the second feeding I will use HP2 and Meta K which are 0-4-0 and 0-0-10. Then they will get plain water on the third watering, and keep repeating this schedule.

Does this seem like a reasonable nute shedule? Are any of these products going to cause a problem with the others?

Any help or advice is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
i keep reding ocen forest is already hot. I m just beginning soiland organics. i read the package of ocean forest and it is chalked full of crap. Lol, how do you know to add more worm and bat? I also heard to cut ocean forest with perlite and vermiculite and lso to leave it alone. Idk.


Well-Known Member
FF OF is pretty hot, just cut it with perlite, FF Light Warrior, & Dolomite Lime. I've never had problems with it burning my plants.

Bob, it sounds like an expensive combo of nutes you have. Most of them you shouldn't need. You can stick to the Pure Blend Pro line, they are pretty solid, and are pretty complete in the nutes that you would need. You may also want the Roots Organics HPK (0-5-4), for a little extra boost during flowering.

You can invest the money in Sweet Leaf & Carbo Load, but using Blackstrap Molasses during flowering will give you the same results, and is much cheaper.

I'd also recommend getting a product called BMO Super Plant Tonic. You can find it on Ebay, just type in BMO. If you do little searching around this forum, you will find many praises about it. I can atest first hand that it does real wonders!

Hope this helps, glad to see that you are switching to organic. It's the healthiest way to grow your meds, hands down.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies.

I have been using OF for about 2yrs now without any problems. I am going to be using Ocean Forest and some Bio-Bizz All Mix. I have never tried the all mix, but its supposed to be good.

The reason I am going with the Carbo Load and Sweet or Flora Nectar is because it not only contains molasses, but it also has a couple of different types of sugars along with amino acids, mg, etc.

I like the idea of switching the NPK ratio throughout flower, that is why I am going to be using the HPK and HP2 along with the Meta K. This way I can get the same ratios as the chemical "bloom boosters" without the super high NPK ratings and without all the heavy metals. And that Microblast seems like a good product. Plants need 17 elements to grow properly, yet most high quality nutes have only 3-4 of them. I think that if the plants are getting the micro nutes they need, they will do much better.

The prices on the stuff I am using is actually fairly low. I get the PBP for like $44 a gallon, the Carbo Load is like $20 a liter and you only use like 5ml per gallon, the Flora Nectar is like $20 a quart and you only use like 15ml per gallon, Ancient Amber is like $15 a quart, HP2 and HPK are like $10 and $19 a quart and you can get gallons of each one for like $30, and the others are only like $10 each. So really its only going to cost me like $100-$150 for the grow. This is not a whole lot to me when you are yeilding 2 lbs.

I will take a look into that BMO as well.

Thanks again,