New to indoor growing.


New Member
I just moved to California and for the first time I'm growing my own marijuana.

I didn't know where to start to I went on amazon an found everything I (think) I need to get a base price, and so if I go into a shop I have some information to haggle with. In the following post I'll list the things I picked out and if anything grabs you as wanted to comment on it, will you?

I hope this isn't out of line or disruptive, I just dont know where to start, thanks!

PS Everything should have free shipping if you notice something doesn't could you please point it out to me?



New Member
Grow Tent,$120.00,
Fan Speed Controller,$21.00,
Light Hangers,$10.00,
5 gallon buckets,$40.00,
Root Suppliment,$70.00,
Storage Tote,$25.00,
Net Pots,$57.00,
Grow Media,$18.00,
pH control,$16.00,
Air Pump,$56.00,
Water Manifold,$22.00,
Air Stone,$42.00,
TDS Meter,$20.00,
Air Divider ,$11.00,
Cal-Mag Suppliment,$18.00,
Just off the top of my head, I would not worry about getting root suppliments or Cal Mag right now unless you want to have them on hand. I don't see a carbon filter in there which is up to you if necessary. You may be better off buying a pre-made hydro unit unless you are familiar with building them, the parts list you have are high prices.

The most important thing you left out was a book. You said you were new to this so I would read for hours on here, watch some you tube video's and have a book for reference.

Good luck with your new adventure and make sure to buy quality seeds/clones.


New Member
I do have a small library of non-cannabis specific books and a small collection of cannabis specific PDFs.

The carbon scrubber is bundled with the fan.

I do appreciate the input.


New Member
Duly noted, it's just a list with a base price and example, I do not plan on buying those exact things unless I just cant find cheaper elsewhere.

With that said, thanks for an example of elsewhere. That is extremely helpful.
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Active Member
Why Hydro right away? It could discourage you if you make the slightest mistake, try for soil first, get some grow under your belt and build your dwc, or aero system while your growing in soil


Well-Known Member
How about this. Build a simple DWC 5 gallon bucket.

5 gallon bucket $5
6" net pot $2
Air stone $10
Air pump $10
Hydroton $5

And do a soil plant

Parts :
5 gallon pot $5
Foxfarm Soil $10

Try one of each and see what you like best.


Active Member
I'm with alphaphase. keep it simple. At least to start, and get stuff as you want/need it. One can grow great bud with parts from lowes if you need to. Get started and as you grow in your knowledge, spend some $ to upgrade. Just and idea man. Good luck to you and I am envious because you are free. Peace to you brother/sister. Perhaps one day we all will be.


Well-Known Member
I grow with both HIDs and CFLs and CFLs are cheap and so is Miracle Grow soil, it will help you not fuck have used supersoil, and MG and this is a cheap CFL grow using MG soil...


Well-Known Member
Wow. Very thorough list. I'm with these guys. Start of with coco. It's simple to use and if you make a mistake ie wrong nute type. (Bloom At veg stage.) you just rinse and repeat. Hydro is very unforgiving on a beginner. 15L pot, coco, coco nutes. Hps/MH, reflector, ballast, hygrometer, watering jug, tent/room, carbon filter, fan, timer and you are growing. :). KISS. Keep it simple stupid is the best way to approach this journey.

Buy Jorge Cervantes grow bible. It's very helpful