new to hydro need advice


leaning towards dwc, could you tell me more about climate control issues that u mentioned? i am from Michigan and grow in the basement so i am sure there will be a couple times a year that require different techniques....also, i am wondering what would be the best/easiest way to do my clone?s


Well-Known Member
ok then :) i'll give you few tips to get it right. first and most of all you need good airpumps and airstones, you need the water surface to be well covered with bubbles, for your scale, you need an electromagnetic air pump with multiple outlets, the pump is a bit loud must not be insulated because it heats, so room noise is more of an issue, then get smaller aquarium pumps 2-4 outlets for the cloner and vegging plants, clone in a bubbler cloner, transplant in netpots with growrocks place in veg tubs then in flowering. you need to keep water temps down, around 68-70deg 19C it doesn't tolerate high temps well, good H2O2 helps prevent slime and rot but high temps prevent O2 to dissolve in H2O so plants will not be well. a res chiller is around 300$and more A/C probably same but requires more electric, this is where i lean towards flood n'drain, when i know i will grow in the heat, i find it way way more tolerant to high temps and that's because the growrocks are exposed to air, evaporation occurs, keeps temps at rootzones lower and better oxygenation and feeding. the cloner could probably go with no cooling except if it's bloody hot, but in winter will require a small water heater, that's quite cheap, durable and effective. keep spare pumps around, check them daily, check airstones very often, when they clog change them. that's where you should keep your eye with DWC, the details make a big difference. also chose a good dehumidifier for the room, see if it's available you can wait till you're in mid flowering to get it depending on bud size, if you managed to have them big, then you will need one :D maybe not this season if humidity is low but eventually you got to get it, oh yeah get a humidity/temp meter


thank you so much, i had to read that 3 times just to make sure i didnt miss anything! seriously answered every question i had at that moment :) gonna read it 3 more times! i had figured high temps for water could be an issue, as i said its a concrete basement so am thinkin tubs should be kept off the floor in winter(maybe 6inch high table with wheels for mobility) in summer i hope tje floor while help keep temps down if i sit totes on ground....? maybe? lol one other idea, could a tray or two of ice cubes daily help keep temps down and water level up? would roots and ice cubes be a bad combintion (if they were to touch in the water)?


Well-Known Member
some people use iced bottles from freezer but not for a 1kw grow, you will spend the day exchanging bottles, look into res chillers, a fan pointed at water surface helps a bit, you will eventually need chiller or a/c or switch


big thanks to chuck t , zem, n sillybilly for all the help, much appreciated! this week i will be making my purchases and then begin construction....thought it might be cool to make a before and after as well as listing my purchases to make sure i dont miss anythin .....more to come, thanks again


i am having a lil trouble with my totes...the only ones i can find that are perfect dimension wise are clear...could i spray paint the outside of the totes black and be okay?


Well-Known Member
being clear may be only part of your problem, it should be strong not to bend or break when filled up. you can find thick black duct tape and wrap it up neatly, it will make it stronger and lightproof. i wouldn't use that messy overpriced black plastic spray paint, if you get regular spray, it will fall apart very quick.
phosphoric acid ph- is good, sulfuric is more dangerous since it's sold as battery acid which burns, but if handled with care and diluted abit, becomes just as safe. both acids are beneficiak to plants, one gives phosphorus the other gives sulfur :)


I have set up a station but am having a lil trouble with Ph....tap water is 7.5 so I mixed in nutes and it went down...8.3range, but only when in the bubbles...if I take a sample in cup meter reads in the 7 to 6.9 range. Can anyone help?