New to Growing


Alright guys, i smoke alot more then i can afford. So ive decided growing is probably my best option. I have a massive closet with plenty of room, i just need to know the basics of what i need, yadda yadda, please and thanks. Much love :joint:

luvvin growin

Active Member
First thing to get,b/c it is the most important,is light.Flouros for veg and HPS for flowering.What kind of setup do you plan to use?(hydro,soil)That has to be established.



Check them out for lights, since it's your first grow I'd start with some fem seeds and the T5's from HTG, they are cheap they work and won't set you back in the upfront/elec costs on your first grow.


Active Member
just start reading around on this site. ders information on basically everything. if you just read itll answer all of you questions, spark up new questions, and then answer those too. so...


Calyx LED
I suggest a lot of reading on this website and growing videos on the net. You can find anything and everything if you look.