
Active Member
Seems very decent to me, any telling in how much I can yeild if I keep the plants in these pots, I also have one in the ground I topped few days ago seems to be growing good


Active Member
Just if I leave them there for the growing season and take care of them and what not . I fed them earlier for the first time and just in acouple hours they seem to be responding politely


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, how big do you think your plants will get?
If I let them go all season they could get pretty big. These were started around the same time in 2012. My first grow. Only in 5-7 gallons of soil. Except for the 18 gallon. I topped them and supercropped a bunch. mg.jpg
These were also started out at the same time as the ones in pots in 2012, except I threw them in the ground to see what it do. I might be throwing a couple in the ground this year too. Idk yet though.2012.jpg

I will be flowering the ones you see in that recent pic with the white 1 gallon grow bags in june in a light dep greenhouse for some earlier smoke. The ones in the red cups will go full season. Outdoor is illegal around here so I am trying to do staggered harvests this year with smaller more discreet plants, rather than one harvest with larger noticeable plants. I might even pull a third crop just for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
That is why they flowered. You brought them from a longer light period indoors a shorter light period outdoors, which triggered flowering. I have had these plants in 1 gallons out since early april.
View attachment 3165923
Aye. 13.5 hours is enough light to keep a plant in veg. If you start plants inside at 18/6 and move them outside to 13-14 hours of light in summer, they will still start to flower because it is a natural reaction to the decrease of exposure. The plant thinks the days are shortening. If you plant outside in late March early April, the plant will veg through the summer solstice (June 21st, when the days begin to shorten) and typically begin flower in late July/August. If the plants outside are only receiving 10-12 hours of direct light and shaded by trees, fences, etc for the other hours, they may flower early.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If I let them go all season they could get pretty big. These were started around the same time in 2012. My first grow. Only in 5-7 gallons of soil. Except for the 18 gallon. I topped them and supercropped a bunch. View attachment 3165933
These were also started out at the same time as the ones in pots in 2012, except I threw them in the ground to see what it do. I might be throwing a couple in the ground this year too. Idk yet though.View attachment 3165934

I will be flowering the ones you see in that recent pic with the white 1 gallon grow bags in june in a light dep greenhouse for some earlier smoke. The ones in the red cups will go full season. Outdoor is illegal around here so I am trying to do staggered harvests this year with smaller more discreet plants, rather than one harvest with larger noticeable plants. I might even pull a third crop just for the hell of it.
What are you thinking maybe half a p to 10 0zs each plant looks good no town farmer... Throw some in the ground those pounders are always fun...