New to growing, please help.

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
hey everyone,

i am very interested in growing bud. i have never grown before, but i plan on starting in the spring(early may) the only way i can grow is outdoors because i am only 18 and still live with my mom, so indoors is out of the question until i get my own place. i have found a really nice spot in a corn field to grow, but before i grow i have some questions. here they are...

- should i treat the soil with anything prior to planting?

- how often should i water? and how much water should i use?

- i am hoping to grow no more then three or four plants, so should i plant 3 or 4 seeds? or more then that?

- if possible, how can i speed up the growing process?


Well-Known Member
-dont treat your soil with anything before you plant. just make sure the Ph is neutral and if its not, you can check the grow faq to see how to fix it. You can add some perlite for added drainage if you want but dont add any nutrients or anything. those come later

-for an outdoor grow, that might be out of your control cuz of rain and such. but make sure they dont get too dry. shove your finger about an inch into the soil and if its till moist, you're good. if not, water is needed!

-If you want 3-4 plants ,you're gonna want to plant more seeds than that to guarantee yourself some nice females. you can just kill off your males.

-for an outside grow, you cant speed it up at all because you're relying on mother nature to change your light schedule and such. With an indoor grow you can change your light schedule so your plants will flower whenever you want really, but outdoors thats not in your control.

hope i helped a bit


Well-Known Member
go in the least human place possible with water nearby, walkin empty handed to find a spot, use google earth to help. Once you found your spot get some soil additives (i use this organic mix 8-2-5 i think, organic cause you really can't fuck up with organic stuff) then figure out how much of that you'd need for a 2x2x2 hole (use pre measured bags), then germ your seeds about 3 days before you go. Put the soil additives, a small shovel, water bottle, germed seeds in a tuperware or something, tuff black garbage bag, and snippers in a camelback or small back pack. Go to your spot look for people, trails, etc to make sure its legit. dig up a 2x2x2 hole at your spot, put it in the bag, mix in the additives, plant your popped seed tail down, water good, do this for all your seeds (in your case I'd do two spots of 5) take a few trips for the seeds, few trips for watering and nutes, and your favorite trip of all harvest. Good luck brotha


Well-Known Member
once your plants are about three weeks old their gonna need some nutrients. you want something with Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) during flowering you want something high in nitrogen. I used miracle grow plant food plus which was 8-7-6


Well-Known Member
i dont think its the same as fertilizer but i think it does the same shit. each part of the NPK keeps a certain part of the plant nice and healthly. Ive been using it all along and am in my 4th week of flower. my girls are lookin slammin :peace:


Well-Known Member
for outdoors i always get a 5 gal bucket ,, cut holes in the bottem for drainage ,,, put some rocks in the bottem of the bucket then fill with good dirt ,,, dig a hole the size of the bucket & put rocks in the bottem of the hole also ,, put bucket in hole & fill in edges around the bucket let nature take its course , u can force them to flower sooner then normal ,, BUT this requires that you be there at the SAME TIME every day ,, to put a black trash bag over them ,, so they think its dark ,, if u live in a cold part on the world , this is a good idea ... another thing is ,, u are planting in corn field ,, dont put all the plants close to eachother ,,, mid season corn husks turn brown ,, weed is still BRIGHT green , & can be noticed from a helicopter frm far far away ,, another thing is ,, would if the farmer plows his field to gather up his crop ,, ur plant will become pulverized :( not cool .... plus DEER love corn BUT they love weed more ,, if they smeel sweet buds ,, thats like a treat of a lifetime .. i sugest go into the thick woods & find a good spot in there ,,, everytime u go to ur spot ,, piss all over the ground ( not on ur plant) but close to it ,, teritorial reasone ,, will help keep animals away .. mix garlic with water & let sit for few days in a gallon jug ,,, dump that all over ur area also ,, ,, go on google & click images , NOW type in birds ,, print out a few pages of different birds ,, .. take a digi cam & them bird pics with u everytime u go into the woods ,, looks liek ur bird watching ,, wear camoflauge if possible ,,,, i always take my mountain bike out in the woods .. say im trail riding ,, BUT i have never been questioned ,, so no worries yet ,,, anyways good luck & VERY good job ,, at least we have somone who respects their parents anough to not grow in their home

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
thanks for all the help guys, just one more quick question, i have been informed that although it is not 100% neccasary, using fertilizer once a week during the vag and flowering stages will greatly improve the qulity of my plants, so i was wondering if u guys know any good fertilizers to use?


Well-Known Member
for veg i use a random rose fertilizer cause its high in n. get something like 23-19-17 for veg and just follow the directions on the box, maybe even do a tiny bit less than the box just to be safe


Well-Known Member
flowering i feed every 3rd watering . so like this ,, i water her with PH'd water ... 3 days later i water with water , epsom salt & dolomite lime (PH'd) ,......... 3 days later i water with ph'd water & bloom nutes ,, 12/55/6 greenlite super bloom ... . repeat ... BUT everyone is different ,, so other ppl might have different opinions

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
ok thanks for the advice. what is a good fert i should u use for the flowering stage, like what kind of nutes are most important during the flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
flowering stage u will need somthing with more Phosphorous... its the middle number in the NPK .... so somthing like 10-30-10 , would be good ,, u will need a few of the main trace elements also ,, these can be found in , epsom salt ... dolomite lime ... molasses... etc .......