New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..


Active Member
Hi i'm new to this,

I got 15 blueberry seeds but don't know what strain they are.
I don't want to grow many plants, just 1 or 2 plants would be sweet.
Could someone advise me on growing, soil, any equiptment needed please.
Can i grow them in a small space successfully?

Thanks later

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I have grown for many years and blue berry has been the hardest strain I have grown. I wouldnt suggest it for a beginer. Read my sig and if you still need some help let us know and we can try to answer anything you dont uderstand.


Active Member
Thank you, that's some nice setup you've got, i was considering growing in a
hot-press where i usually put towels and clothes.
I know you don't recommend blueberry as a first timer but they were the only
seeds available so i might as well put thyem to good use and try grow something beautiful and natural that i've only ever heard or read about :-P

Secret green giant

Active Member
why is it the hardest to grow? i've been mainly growing ww but am now looking towards the blueberry. could you advise me what to look for or change compared to gorwing white widow?
looking foward to your reply

Best regards
secret green giant


Well-Known Member
hey secret green, Im glad you brought that up because this thread was dead. You have been the only other one to mention growing Blueberry since ive been here. I have just starting Flowering my Blueberry, and they are looking good. If you have any questions, just ask.


Well-Known Member
I too am going to try to grow BB and WW if i get the seeds. I ordered them 2 fridays ago and hope i get them soon. Everything i read is blueberry is a BITCH to grow, and ordered them before i found that out. I ordered a areoponics system around the same time and still waiting on that too. I plan on trying the white widow first and then if i can grow that ill move up to the BB. (im a grow virgin as well)


Well-Known Member
grow them both at the same time. Youll learn faster that way, and its ok to bud different breeds with each other. I have not found it difficult at all growing BB. I use rockwool and plenty of light. The only thing is that they grow up eneven. I have some that are perfect, some that have been overwatered, and one that looks underwatered. all in the same ebb n flow tray too. Where did you order them from. If you got them from Bc Bud Depot, then you should get a good female to male ratio. I have so far. Check out my grow and if you have any questions let me know.


Just some idiot
I got some BB from BCseedking. So far I am having so-so luck with it. I'm 6/11 on germing them. They seem to get stuck in the shell, I've tried pulling the shells on a couple and they don't make it. I found if I actually throw them in a glass full of of water for 24 hours they germ better. The ones that did sprout are nice looking plants though. Good luck you should do fine once you get them going. Oh and that BC Mango is one of the fastest growing and best germing seeds I have ever come across. I'm 100% on Mango germs...twelve hour germination is not unheard of with the Mango in my grow room:mrgreen: . I have heard the mango is like Papaya, anyone know if this is true?


Well-Known Member
How are you going to germinate your seeds. I credit that to 7 of 8 BB so far being female, and I have hope for the last one. These were not femenized so I got a deal. anyway, whenever you get those BB and WW going, get a journal going. I havent seen anyone else using BB so that would be helpful. GL


Well-Known Member
Get a couple of those and that 400w. that should be sufficient for now. What do you plan on vegging with. You could use the 400, but not until there a couple of weeks old at least. good choice with the dwc system, cheap and easy so it should work out for you.


Active Member
I have grown for many years and blue berry has been the hardest strain I have grown. I wouldnt suggest it for a beginer. Read my sig and if you still need some help let us know and we can try to answer anything you dont uderstand.

what makes the blueberry hard to grow?

ia m growing a blueberry x nl


Well-Known Member