New to growing and thinking of going DWC? Don't

BS, it’s the same thing thrown back I his face, if he wants to talk nonsense about variables of gpw like it isn’t common knowledge then I’ll throe it right back at him. And if you were honest you’d admit his whole post is about gotcha as you put it. Just nonsense. Grown men refusing to have real conversations.

Edit: did you get my point about gpw? I bet you did. I bet he did as well.
That’s not unfair, it is mostly a big gotcha circle jerk. I got your point, and theirs too.
thats my point though isn’t it, why bring up such nonsense when the point is the same? Gpw is used only as personal bench marks because most people do it wrong. There is better ways out there but it’s an easy way to generally compare and he knew exactly what I was saying without adding that nonsense.

For the record, I did dwc for over 15 years and it treated me very very well. But not any better than DTW. That’s the point. I’m sure you nailed all other styles you grew in as well. I’m also sure that if you needed to recommend a style for 100 beginners that would do the most good for all of them you would recommend DTW.
thats my point though isn’t it, why bring up such nonsense when the point is the same? Gpw is used only as personal bench marks because most people do it wrong. There is better ways out there but it’s an easy way to generally compare and he knew exactly what I was saying without adding that nonsense.

For the record, I did dwc for over 15 years and it treated me very very well. But not any better than DTW. That’s the point. I’m sure you nailed all other styles you grew in as well. I’m also sure that if you needed to recommend a style for 100 beginners that would do the most good for all of them you would recommend DTW.
Yes, probably, usually. But I think DWC is just easy for some new growers, depending on their background and resources. It depends on their individual personal context, it really really does.
His examples were hyperbolic as an illustration of outer bounds. What contest are you trying to win, exactly?

I think the way you presented the initial premise of this thread is total bollocks. Had you expressed similar thoughts with more nuance and understanding I might have agreed. But I think you’re looking to be “right” more than you are trying to help. A lot of the discussion has been good, in spite of many of your posts being confrontational garbage that serve no useful purpose.

For the record: I currently mostly use DWC with 4 plant sites and can pull well over a lb out of a 4’x4’ tent, with zero veg from rooted clone and very little effort. No environment control beyond central air and fans. I really might hit close to 2gpw, with essentially no veg time, in the next year. Especially in my little SOG tent. I only have to check on it every week or so. I have also grown in coco, and soil, using light from CFL, T5HO, blurple LED, HPS and HLG 550 RSpec (which is well worth the scratch) - all on a very small scale.
I spend my life trying to reduce the amount I pull LOL!
I spend my life trying to reduce the amount I pull LOL!
I do...err, usually do too. My girls in the tent are all over 6 foot right now, had to tie them up last night. I had a couple unwanted breaks over the last year and am running low on supply right now, so I had to step it up for a couple harvests. Plus I want to see what these new fixtures can do.
If you are a new grower doing under 10 plants and thinking of DWC let me save you a lot of problems, just don't do it. Do Drain to waste with your medium of choice. I could bore you with why and if you are a new grower you aren't going to really get it anyway, but just don't, believe me.

I'll answer a few questions if anybody has any, but my target are new growers who are on the fence, I'm just telling you don't. Some are going to believe me and be thankful (although they will never know it because they won't dick around with DWC) and others aren't and are going to go on to become great growers in DWC (although they could have done it easier, cheaper, with less hassle if they just took my advice). Either way you win in the end.
My very first grow was NFT. I don't think any absolute statements have merit in cannabis cultivation currrently. If a new grower wishes to grow DWC more power to them.
I do...err, usually do too. My girls in the tent are all over 6 foot right now, had to tie them up last night. I had a couple unwanted breaks over the last year and am running low on supply right now, so I had to step it up for a couple harvests. Plus I want to see what these new fixtures can do.
Lights? I keep thinking I need to try out some new tech. What are you running?
Lights? I keep thinking I need to try out some new tech. What are you running?
I bought an HLG 550 and an HLG 300, both “RSpec” - halfway through my first flower run I am blown away at how green everything is all the way down and they are stacking like mad.

The 550 is in the 4x4 and the 300 will go in my 3x3 for a soil-based pheno hunt later this week
I bought an HLG 550 and an HLG 300, both “RSpec” - halfway through my first flower run I am blown away at how green everything is all the way down and they are stacking like mad.

The 550 is in a 4x4 and the 300 will go in my 3x3 for a soil-based pheno hunt later this week
Well that begs the question what week are you in. Are these the 6' plants you mentioned? Do you have a link to some pics? You know me, I'm curious LOL
Well that begs the question what week are you in. Are these the 6' plants you mentioned? Do you have a link to some pics? You know me, I'm curious LOL
Lights just went off a few minutes ago, day 33, my GPS Orange Blossom Special keeper.

They were 5”-6” tall when I flipped them.

They grew so fast I was underfeeding them at first, but they should finish nicely.
Lights just went off a few minutes ago, day 33, my GPS Orange Blossom Special keeper.
View attachment 4379616

They were 5”-6” tall when I flipped them.

From seed? Almost finished with week 5 eh. I'll be really interested from now to finish especially 6.5 weeks LOL is there any supplemental side lighting I can't see?

I feel like the story of my life is encapsulated by strain/pheno hunt LOL Good looking
Yes, probably, usually. But I think DWC is just easy for some new growers, depending on their background and resources. It depends on their individual personal context, it really really does.
I admit that, there are people who are growing on cold concrete slabs who will never experience high Rez temps or problems who can knock it out of the park their first grow. I still say it will cost them more setup and time over the years though. And I still say that they won’t get better or more weed compared to any style regardless if they learn and dial it in
My very first grow was NFT. I don't think any absolute statements have merit in cannabis cultivation currrently. If a new grower wishes to grow DWC more power to them.
Sure they do, I am absolutely sure that the majority of new growers are better off going with dtw. Without knowing their environments etc, the majority will be best served keeping it simple. For every grower who nails dwc their first grow there are ones who lose everything to rot.
Cuts, in this case. Thank you!

No side lighting at all
Interesting I've never had clones stretch like that on me. I'll have to take a look at your light's specs! They look good.

Sure they do, I am absolutely sure that the majority of new growers are better off going with dtw. Without knowing their environments etc, the majority will be best served keeping it simple. For every grower who nails dwc their first grow there are ones who lose everything to rot.
I would absolutely love to see your statistics on that. Essentially as long as there are new people to growing they will lose plants on over watering, underwatering, over feeding, under feeding, snake oil et cetera. Newbies kill plants. Hell I still kill plants then again I am a pretty shit grower and will be the first to admit it.

I agree simple is better but whatever way they want to start growing and have available to them is a good place to begin.

There are no hard and fast rules and no good statistics on any of this because we don't have the academics involved yet. We will be there one day but not today.
I admit that, there are people who are growing on cold concrete slabs who will never experience high Rez temps or problems who can knock it out of the park their first grow. I still say it will cost them more setup and time over the years though. And I still say that they won’t get better or more weed compared to any style regardless if they learn and dial it in

I'm using the same RDWC setup I designed well over 20 years ago, Its cheap as fuck to setup, and back then we learned how to grow visually, we never had all the fancy meters etc, if one needs to run out a buy a bunch of meters etc because they never learned how to grow yet that could cost some money, but that could go for any system, RDWC system is simple as hell problem people is trying to improve on it with all the extra plumbing etc and wasting money. I seen new guys struggle with DTW starting out and do great with RDWC and vise a versa. some of that has to do with the persons ability to grow. The RDWC is my go system as I know it inside and out , I grown as a hobbyist , commercially , I designed Nutrient formulas etc. and I will say in controlled rooms I never seen any other system grow better quality or out preform the RDWC system period. I run my RDWC for pennies there doesn't need to be a cost to it.

I have much respect for the DTW system it has it pros, and I ain't knocking it at all as I use it as well.
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You can make a rdwc for 50 bucks give or take if you use the right Rez strategy, 100 add back etc. if that was the case you don’t need ppm meters, I’d still want to test pH every few months or so though.
I would absolutely love to see your statistics on that
All right you caught me, no stats on how many growers get root rot. Just know that after 20 years on forums I’ve seen thousands on threads on it. Hydro stores sells endless shit to prevent it and growers spent big bucks on chillers to prevent it. I had it twice in my life and adjusted but I had it within my first year doing dwc. This week I think I’ve seen two new threads on it here. Pains me to think these guys are picking dwc because they think it’s better, and don’t fool yourself, that’s why most do, somewhere they’ve been told hydro=dwc=more weed.