new to growing and RIU!! 1000w FFOF grow. 1x WWxBB 1x iced grapefruit 1x blueberry


Well-Known Member
THIS IS NOT A CONDEMNATION but ww x bb from female seeds should come with a height warning..... i have 9 on the go atm and 7 of them are like little conifer trees. I flipped them @ 10-12 inches and they are now 85cm, 2 weeks into 12/12 and showing very little flower formation, just a few sparse pistils. I'm too far into flower to top, I have height issues, stalks are like clipper lighters so lst ing them would be difficult too... HELP!!!
your plants are looking great dude. respect.


Well-Known Member
just ordered a 4pk of wwxbb!
i hope you have plenty of headroom m8 or if not, flip em wen theyre about 6 inches tall, they stretch like crazy during week 1-2n half of 12/12, im talking 3ft of growth in that time and thats how far in i am with them now, so maybe more to come also. grrrrrr. no height issues, u r in for a treat!!!! all da best...


Active Member
Thanks yeah I'm in a 4x8x6 tent so I'll probably flip around a foot tall, what are toot thoughts on that? Also my first seed would not germ started the second so just waiting now...


Well-Known Member
id say thats about right m8, mine are day 25 of 12/12 and nearing 5ft tall, in a 1.8m tall environment....oops.
do you intend topping or lst ing? give you more veg time....
i germed 10 out of 10 successfully and kept the strongest 9,
germination method:- i soaked the bean for few hrs in water til she sank, then placed in soaked paper towel for a day or so and potted with half inch tap root. 100% success