New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE


Active Member
Hey so this is my first plant and I think i was doing pretty good until I got these problems with my leaves. It seems my bottom leaves have turned yellow and look like they have burns on the end, I looked into it and I think it might be a potassium problem, but im not sure and I wanted some advice from other people. Here are some pictures and tell me what you think. I also watering with distilled and use Miracle Grow, with 1 100w CFL and 2 60w CFLs. if that helps anymore.


Well-Known Member
Your water needs to be ph balanced so you plant can take up the nutes. And as for MG, well I am a MG hater so I can not respond to that.


Well-Known Member
Well for like $20 you can buy a bag of Fox Farm Ocean forest or even Roots Organic, they both are good soils and have enough nutes in them to help a plant for a 2 months, even though we still add nutes. Just make sure you add perlite to the mix.
As for nutes its a personal thing, myself I stick with FF all the way. I use FF Grow big in veg. It's awesome stuff. And in flower I use FF tiger bloom, great stuff.
There are some out there that love MG and then there are the ones who dispise the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Here's what you do, go buy one bag of either medium and add 20% perlite (small bags at nursery) then mix it up and put it in a 3 gallon pot (not clay) if U use tap water let it set out for 24 hrs being it needs to let out all chlorine. And try and find any veg nutes you can afford, then just give at 1/2 of recommened dose for 2 weeks then full dose. DON"T take off any leaves. And watch her flourish.


Active Member
Alright sounds good, im guessing you can get this stuff at a local store like lowes or home depot, ???


Well-Known Member
No, they wont have it. I have looked in them to see if there was anything I would use, no nothing even close. Any Nursery in your home town will have it. Or a hydro shop. You will see your lil one turn into a big one fast!


Active Member
Today I changed my plant to a larger pot today, so the roots can move around more without being suffocated. But, the the very first leaves, like the VERY first two that came out fell off today, so im not sure what I should be dong right this moment, but I am putting Perlite in my soil this weekend :-?
Oh and here are two more pictures from today. The top leaves seem to being doing fine also. But the first set of 3's are curling with minor burns at the end.



Well-Known Member
When you transplant a plant there is often times some stress taken. So your leaves may droop or curl a little, that's normal. Don't worry about those first 2 leaves, they are like baby teeth. It happens eventually anyway.

As for adding perlite now... I'm not sure that I would. That is just adding a bunch more stress, i'd say if it grows fine now just leave it. You don't want to freak your plant out any more then you have to.


Active Member
What about nutes, should I just water for a while and see how it goes, because Ive heard that miracle has a lot of nutes in it already, and also the first riveted leaves they are turning yellow too, anything I should do, Im just trying to get as much advice as I can


Well-Known Member
im on my frist grow and useing MG:wall: my babies r 22 dayz old and haveing the same problem yellow tip/spots i also have FF soil/nute and notice that MG soil/nutes r missing alot of ingredients FF has. i search for a answer to my problem to find out alot of people useing MG r haveing the same problem as me

MG doesnt have any magnesium,boron,ect,............:finger:MG...........

good luck bro hes a few shots of mines in mg soil



Well-Known Member
hey fisher how old r ur plants? I feed mines 1/4 str MG nutes lil after 2 weeks and i folair feed them today with grow big for the magnesium hopeing this will clear it up


Active Member
but im guessing the plant is probably about 3-4 weeks, what did you add to make up for the missing elements? And I've slowly been moving my plant to an outdoor plant, since the weather has been nice, but I'm still having a lot of problems. From the first picture you can just see how the bottoms leaves are still getting destroyed. and the second pics is just an up close version of the bottom set of three and the 1's. But now im having problems at the top, I just started getting the first set of 7's and one side is coming out from, but the other side seems like it is just drooping over ever since it has come out. I dont know whether I should just give up and start a new plant, because this plant is just pissing me off. :-|



Active Member
But Jester, your plants are looking like 100's better than mine, keep up the good work and ill bet youll have a great harvest.