new to growing, a couple weeks into my first grow, need to know about odor control,


Well-Known Member
Did mom and dad give thier approval for you to grow in the house? Also you know you are suppose to be at least 18 yrs old to be a meember of this forum.


Active Member
i went really cheap on odor control myself. I just bought an inline fan at home depot for 20 bucks pulls air nicely and then put ducting maybe couple feet long out my window. at the end of the ducting i bought carbon filtering for a couple bucks a sheet and just taped it to the end of the ducting. I hardly smell it anymore and my parents say they cant either.


Dude spend your $10 on some CFL's go to and check out their cfl selection. That poor little thing wants some good light go for 5000+k and like 8000+ lumens you will have way better luck.
noooo it is pretty sure ..bc its at a goo and healthy 6" now, and it has the first 2leafs from the seed, then the other two from the first week, and now another set with what looks like large pistils which are actually more leaves....right now they're 3star laeves =3
also, im using MG right now, due to lack of soil, but i also have a big bag of peat moss and other fertilizers and stuff in my shed....i know fertilizers are no good, but what about peat moss can i throw some into the MG, would it make a difference?


Active Member
being entirely honest, to even manage to harvest anything from that you are going to require a lot more lights, and a far more confined space.

and no, there are no pistils, there isn't even much of a hint of branching at the node points yet.
im getting another CFL 3000K tomorrow, aliong with more aluminum foil, and im probably getting more lights if not tomorrow throughout the week, a couple of my close friends are pitching in to make it grow and harvest.


Well-Known Member
Well the best thing your going to get from this run is experience. I mean you no disrespect here bud. If you can start over I would. It might be possible to save that thing but it looks really rough. Best I can tell you is read,read,read and when you think you know it all read some more. Good luck you took the first step. You've seen "fight club" right? Just remember those rules!
oh ive been reading non stop, iknow what i really need but im dirt broke, and thats why my friends are getting me lamps and stuff even without bulbs, but we can put CFLs in them, 7 days from today, i should have at least 2 or 3 more cfls and at least one or more lamp(S)
well the 3 lamp thing ive been really thinking about it like cutting it in half, prying the bottom half off the stand, and putting the top part in the stand but i need to find out how to feed the wire through so it doesnt get cut with the metal pole, and the other lamps, idk how they can get much closer other then the tall fancy one idk how to go about that one...
im just going to buy a lot of CFL bulbs and get my friends to get me lamps. and giving a current incandescent lamp a CFL bulb is like taking away one lamp and putting one 2x as good in...


Well-Known Member
careful about getting friends involved. They may mean well now, but as your plants begin to ripen and you get close to harvest, some of those friends are going to be out to get you or your plants. That is why growers tell no one, only each other.

You may want to place a tarp or drop cloth over that nice berber carpet you are growing over. Above all, listen to the advice you are being given. You posted about odor control and are getting a lot of great responses about your grow that you seem to be ignoring. Most of these people saw your spindly plant, stretching it's ass off and decided to help you with that first. I wouldn't worry about smell until you can reliably grow the plant.

I do wish you good luck. Growing is great fun and can be a bit of a challenge at first. Hell, many of us learn something new EVERY day.
yeah well, these friends are in on it, like one of them got me the seeds, and were all pitching in to help it last bc were all smokin it once its done, but i got places where my friends cant find it...also i know, and i do thank all of you very much for all the help.
and yeah ive been learning at least 10 or 15 new things about growing everyday, it really is fun, and the community behind not even growing, but marijuana in general is just great, and i really hope this plant gets going...and i think i have a new 150watt light today..