New to grow - Is something wrong with my babies?


Hi guys, I posted a thread here yesterday of my firs babies, and a few thought it was a little tinny for its age and I thought the leaves could be a little on the yellow side.

link here:

I would upload new pics but im at work so its easier for me to just link it. same pix anyways.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if im doing something wrong the way im raising my babies or whether my babies just came from a shitty genepool?

I will try to answer any questions you have.

thanks for any help


Active Member
looks like a little bit of a nitrogen def but putting two plants into one pot is a bigger problem the roots will fight each other for the food and one will be weak so split them up and give them some food


ouch. i don't know what to do? i only have 3 pots in my dwc container and the roots has already past the bottom of the pots? is there a way i can just flower them early as uppose to letting them grow bigger. i

also, which one of gh micro, gro, and bloom is nitrogen?