New to DWC


Well-Known Member
OK so i saw the cool and inexpensive DWC systems on the site, and I decided to build one.

This is my first time using an air stone, as I was using misters to aerate previously. On to the question, the air stones I purchased say to soak in water for 1 hour prior to running air through them. Why is this?


Well-Known Member
its probably so that the air can leak out of the pump... if you run the pump out of the water then it might kill it...just a thought.. dont know for sure


Well-Known Member
it has to get wet so that the air can move through it into the water in small little bubbles and alot of them. without letting it soak it doesnt give off as many small bubbles and it doesnt let air through the whole thing, maybe just a little section. it equalibriates the stone so it has consistant airflow through the entire stone... sry