new to dwc and cant figure this out?? with pics


Well-Known Member
hey guys this plant is currently three weeks old n was doing fine for 2 weeks n now its started yellowing!! stunted growth but roots are stil white n growin!! any help wil be hugely appreciated n +rep

dwc 1 gallon bucket
Ph 5.5-6
nutes 1/4 strength vita link max a-b o.5 ml p/litre
temps 20-24.c

pics are from day 1 until now



Well-Known Member
bump it up by little bits and keep an eye on the new growth color. I don't use those nutes so I dunno how much 1/4 strength is.

The best thing would be to get a PPM meter and figure out what PPM you are at now. Then bump it up by no more than 200ppm, and check it 24hrs later to see if the levels rise or fall. That will give you an idea of how much it's eating.

How are you checking and adjusting PH?