NEW to i over watering..not enough Nutes??


Active Member
i took these clones but didnt have enough room to hydro with my i went to lowes and got some organic mircle grow that has just a little bit more nitrogen than my dyno grow i use for hydro..also a bag of perlite..

after they rooted (2 weeks) in pellets, i put in solo cups with MG/perlite..the filled the cup up in 4 days with roots..
so i got half gallon pots and transplanted and soak with ph'ed h20 and i drop of Superthrive..
well the stems turned purple and the leaves changed in a few i add more nutes to the MG??

any idea what i should do??..these girls are a month old and im sure they should be lots biggerDSC03060.jpgDSC03062.jpgDSC03061.jpgDSC03063.jpgDSC03064.jpg


Well-Known Member
Could be a number of things. The pH could be off or it could be a potassium deficiency, or multiple deficiencies. If the magnesium sulfate made things worse, it's probably not magnesium deficiency and adding more will just block out what it wants.

Does that MG soil have any limestone in it? Is there much potassium? pH? etc.


Well-Known Member
The hooked & burnt leaf tips & brown spots look like Calcium def. No calcium makes for an acidic environment as well, this could be causing lockout of other nutrients.

If you have soft water, you need to add cal-mag. Add it first, then add nutrients.

You could also add dolomite lime to the soil. Either mix it in and transplant them to the new soil or top dress and water with plain water.


Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn to me. give it straight 6.5-6.8 ph water next watering. water until you see a small amount of runoff. let dry until container is very light


Well-Known Member
^^ yes miracle gro is known to be "hot" and will shock most seedlings/clones. next time do the miracle grow mixed in to a bunch of soil so the soil has a little nutrients. you want the plant to have enough nutes to get its roots to the bottom. then have a layer on the bottom of MG it will tap into. it will act almost like supersoil though you can easily make it better.

diet coke

Active Member
looks like nute burn to me. give it straight 6.5-6.8 ph water next watering. water until you see a small amount of runoff. let dry until container is very light
You should not have to fertilize for a while , I would go water only for a while


Active Member
i think the bag is 11-5-5...with slower release nitro..i think..3 of the 4 look to be greening up..but one is last night i flooded with phed h20..still looks the same...heres a picDSC03069.jpgDSC03068.jpgDSC03070.jpgif i need cal mag..where do i get that besides ect??


Active Member
Also..i do have dyno gro and General hydro nutes if i need to add a lil of macro or whatever to them..if they would help..


Active Member
Hun-- the MG organic has enough of what they need to not feed them...
are the drain holes big enough?
How much are you watering and how often?
Tap water, well water, bottled water?????
What is the pH of the water you use? Remember- soil has a different pH than hydro.. should be between 6.5-7.0!!! ;)


Active Member
mg organic blend...i drilled more hole for draining..i use tap water that i let sit for days b4 6.5 ph..i pre mix it in a gal jug..


Look For a product Called GO GREEN run it through your normal feed and it treats all common defienceys so you will have a nice green plant in no time :)