New to Community & Growing


Active Member

First and foremost, I'd like to introduce myself. You can call me by Bowl, Baked, or Brian.. or anything similar to those. I'm a high school student just trying my hand at getting into growing.. I am not in a hurry to spend much money at all on elaborate lights, fans, solutions or much in that regard.

I'm just going to be using a few seeds from a bag I picked myself. I've got a few seeds sitting atop a wet papertowl folded to fit inside a zip lock bag and using the back of my computer monitor to heat the seeds. I want to let them germinate and then put them in an indoor pot somehow hidden in/around my house.. or put them in the ground outside at a location very well disclosed. (But only accessible once every weekend roughly)

I've got a half-dozen seeds planted at various coordinates at the outdoor location where they'll be able to receive plenty of sunlight should they grow. I assume they will not all grow, but some will sprout and grow wild. I don't expect them to yield much, but want to see how this particular strain will grow in my chosen environment.

I plan on trying my hand at growing in general.. and by the time I hit college.. with my (hopeful years of learning) to be able to build a grow box or something and conceal my successful plants in a closet or something of that nature.

With all that in mind, I hope to become a daily active and participating member of the community. :) :peace: :blsmoke:

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member

Us old farts don't want to be responable for corupting the youth so if you want many replies don't say your a high school student.

Learning how to grow anything is not coruption in my book but the court system will kill you concerning the youth there is no defense