new to co2


Well-Known Member
my neighbor offerd me a co2 system that he is not useing with full tank i was thinking about my rooms and it would be easier to seal my flowering room than my veg room what do you guys think take the gift or turn it down and if you are useing co2 i would like to see your delivery system for ideas thank you for any and all info you can give
Sealing is easy. It's cooling and dehumidifying that's a pain. If you can do that take the gift. And the way I have my co2 running. Is loops with holes attached to each fan. Blowing over the canopy.
my flowering room is 6x10 upstairs of my house ave. hum. 30% room never gets hotter than 77f if that helps
Then take the gift. My room is 7x14 so running a rain ring wasn't a option. Thus the rings on my fans. Be warned. Once you start co2 don't stop. Running out sucks and plants don't take good to it. Find a hydro store that will change out bottles. Or if you want go to a welding supply place and do it. But around here welding supply stores charge $10 more then the shops and there filled at the same place. And if your ever asked why you need co2 just say your a hobbyist mig welder.
Nether do I. Was was more talking about if you get pulled over. Saying welding stops search of car aposed to saying garden. Nobody eles will ask
Each tank used around $125 each. The used reg around $75. So $325 gift is great. Now it's time to deside if you want a meter or just a timer. I use a timer but eould advice you to get at least a ppm4 meter. I wasted alot of tanks getting my room under control. And will be getting a meter soon.
Oh and a side note. Your size room. You should have the bead set at 3-4. That's your flow rate. And the psi of the bottles drop only when almost empty.
thanks for the advise i will just be useing a timer for a week or two im going to go down to the grow shop tomarro and talk to them to make shure i know how to set everything up the right way again thank you for you for your help
i wish someone would gift me some free tanks lol, congrats on the sweet deal.

if you can spend the dough, a chhc-4 from sentinel is a great controller. just plug in a analog dehumidifer and ac and set your parameters.
ok everything is going good with sealing the room i use a window a/c only the fan is runing right now cool outdoor temps what should i do with this will i lose co2 due to the intake if theres no exahaust for the room
Your window AC will and is taking your co2 out of the room. Do you have a diggy AC or anilog? Other eords can you unplug it and plug it back in and not reset the on switch?
Then use this to control it. Have the AC set to high.
Here you can see I use the same. AC is up top and temp switch is in mid room.

Best investment I made in here.
i was looking in to some thing like that because i hate turning down the a/c at night and up in the day when its summer ill take some pics of my room set up tomarrow so you can see what im woking with
But it burns out. The constant switch of the AC is to much. I love Titan but they fail under AC loads. For fans wouldn't use snything eles. AC this is the best I found after 4 years. This is going on it's 2nd year none stop. The rest died after a year. Yes it was under warranty but took 5 days to get it replaced. I can't go without sc that long. I'm not telling you not to do what you want just stating what happend to me. I lost a whole crop 4 weeks in flower becouse a falty temp switch. Look at my sig. There is a big gap. That's why
im not useing a/c to cool the room right now its set to fan only for intake so i guess my question was continue to use as intake or seal it off untill spring when i need it to cool the room theres no exahaust any more so i wont lose co2 dew to 700+cmf fan