New to CFL, How many estimated lumens per plant?


Active Member
Ya i try to keep the lights about 3 inches away and she is centered in between them so she wont stretch toward one or the other, outside in az they usually start to show preflowers around mid to end of september so i have never had to force flower, what is the recomended hieght before i force flower or does it matter, and usually i wake up at various times so she doesnt get them turned on at the same time every day, but when i turn them on i make sure they are on for 18 hours from when i wake up, so in flowerin say i wake up a 8am one day and leave them on for 12 hours then the next day i wake up at 10am and leave them on for 12, does it matter when she starts recieving light? as long as its 12 hours


Well-Known Member
Ya its important that you get good air flow so you can get your plants close As possible to the light.

Heres an example:

Idealy id have 2 more 23 watt blue bulbs in here because i compared it to a side by side with my 150w hps for a weeks worth and my hps girls were growing probably 5 times faster.

Hope this helps.

Edit: Oh ya i found that 68 watter at Home depot, its not the blue spectrum but if you get a chance to get it, jump on it, it has more light intensity to spread more light farther.



Active Member
And sorry if i am replying weird its just that for some reason your last post never shows up until i post again


Active Member
i see you are using 3 bulbs, are you mixing red and blue spectrum and is that more beneficial, and what stage is your girl in?


Active Member
Right now the 2 23w daylight bulbs are keeping the tub at an even 80 degrees and i have 2 vents so is it neccesary for a fan right now?


Well-Known Member
Some would say mixing spectrum is benifitial, i mean trying to copy the sun is the goal so i dont see how its not.

Some say that blue light is just BS and theres no need for it. (Ed Rosenthal)

Thats cool. Your def gana want to add more CFL's so ya your def gana want at least 2 comp fans in there for tem controll AND fresh air, no doubt. Theres used ones on Ebay for supper cheap.

Good luck and welcome to the world of indoor growing :)


Active Member
Ya sorry for all the questions guys, it's just i get so much mixed info from growers about cfl it's not even funny, you probably know what i mean
Ya these are 2 23w 6500k daylight bulbs i am using for veg, will that work for veg? Question 2 how many of the red spectrum(soft white cfl's) should i use for flowering and how long should i keep them on per day? Question 3 i understand they need 12 hours dark to flower, do i have to turn them on the same time evry day or just any time as long as they will be dark for 12 hrs, thx
ok you can get away with 1 42w CFL per square foot at min. You don't need alot of light for veg as said in Mr. Green's video but in flowering you need the juice so the more in flowering the better

for veg some people have their lights on 24/0 and some have them on for 18/6 since your using CFLs you can get away with 24/0

you shouldn't flower your plants unless you have a timer for the lights because if you don't and the light gets messed up it can hermi your girls


Active Member
Ya thanks mistermicro, is that plant in your tub in flower stage. And about how long did it take you to reach that size?


Active Member
Ya i definatly dont want a hermi, i dont even know if its a girl yet, i dont know if they are myths or facts i have heard so much but do you guys have any tips or tricks that have worked to increase your female to male ratio, i have heard c02 helps but i dunno


Active Member
dont get me wrong i trust ed rosenthal,but to say that the blue spectrum is b.s i mean come on,its been proven that when you veg with metal halide the plant grows sockier versus growing them under hps,under hps the plants seem lanky and you usually have to resort to using some kind of support for the buds and/or vegitation


Well-Known Member
Thats my mom there, I use CFL's for veg ONLY. But ya that mom is about 44 days old, but half of her life she experienced the 150w hps so ya. But ya once you get some ventilation id add at LEAST 3 more blue bulbs in there ( horizontal for more flore space) but preferably 2 42 watters.


Active Member
but the whole point is to grow and spread the love so i guess ed rosenthal is right in that regard that one need not spend extra on technically unecessary equipment


Active Member
Thanks for all the info guys it really helps i gotta get, got a 5 ft diamondback laying on the back porch i gotta go shoot, thx


Well-Known Member
dont get me wrong i trust ed rosenthal,but to say that the blue spectrum is b.s i mean come on,its been proven that when you veg with metal halide the plant grows sockier versus growing them under hps,under hps the plants seem lanky and you usually have to resort to using some kind of support for the buds and/or vegitation
Lanky? im not to sure...



Active Member
Ya i'll probably throw a couple more lights in there in about a week or so and i have some old comps i can pull the fans out of