New to CFL grow


Active Member
Well,after 4 years of decent outdoor grows,I finally got either ripped off or there are some stoned deer are walking around my house.Ive decided to do an indoor grow with CFL's and a small grow box.
plan is to do 1 plant at a time(lowrider autoflower from attitude).My question is how big should i make the grow box?Stealthiness isnt an issue.I was going to use 4 lights for a single plant with an intake and exhaust fan.What are some options on the fans?


Lowryders grow 8-14" so if you make your box 2 feet tall you will have room for them to grow and your lights. For fans use computer fans. If it is a 12V fan you can wire the fan to a 12V Phone or Camera Charger.
P.S You can get fans for like $4 each off of these sites

Illegal Smile

If stealth isn't an issue why have a grow box at all? Why not just pick a room, make blackout curtains and grow there? If you really want to grow an autoflower dwarf try white dwarf from attitude.


Active Member
If stealth isn't an issue why have a grow box at all? Why not just pick a room, make blackout curtains and grow there? If you really want to grow an autoflower dwarf try white dwarf from attitude.
thanks for the reply.never thought of just curtains.i figured a box was easy to make and will distribute the light better.whats better about this strain than lowrider? thanks again.

Illegal Smile

thanks for the reply.never thought of just curtains.i figured a box was easy to make and will distribute the light better.whats better about this strain than lowrider? thanks again.
A box is hard to control heat in at times and if it isn't needed is just in the way. I wouldn't design my whole grow area for just a little reflectivity. Put it in a corner of a room and you can mylar those two walls. I have nothing against lowryder but the white dwarf was pretty easy to grow, forgiving, and produced a good yield for a small plant. I got 2 ounces each from several white dwarf and it was excellent quality. Just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
A box is hard to control heat in at times and if it isn't needed is just in the way. I wouldn't design my whole grow area for just a little reflectivity. Put it in a corner of a room and you can mylar those two walls. I have nothing against lowryder but the white dwarf was pretty easy to grow, forgiving, and produced a good yield for a small plant. I got 2 ounces each from several white dwarf and it was excellent quality. Just a suggestion.
much agreed! and for the fans there r sum ten to 20 dollar ones at any cvs or rite aid! and they werk great!


Active Member
I stuck my girl in a closet, were still getting through the hurricane so its door less so i just stuck a blanket up over the hole and thumbtack it down. well ventilated and no heat isues. I use a oscilating fan from cvs for about 25 bucks like fuzzybuds said.