Well-Known Member
dont have them sent to the same address as you intend to grow.
now fly my pretty !!!! ah ha ha ha
What would happen if I did? Should i wait a while before I germinate them.
dont have them sent to the same address as you intend to grow.
now fly my pretty !!!! ah ha ha ha
i ordered from attitude today, all i bought was 2 seeds of some dutch blueberry and they gave me 5 free g13 skunk seeds. They also have a bunch of different shipping options that include more discreet packaging, try them out.
no i dont think ur screwed at all
as long as u dont go around and selling to people u dont know
what an asshole brother + rep 4 everytime i tryed growing my plant was either eaten by bugs and its stems ar chewed in half or my younger brother would light its leaves on fire....
damn dude!!!! lol shit thats tight! whith 20 lbs. of bud i would be set for a while! thats a realy cool deal with that bail and fines still trying to say my plant for the burnin by my brother. I cut off all the burnt stem and i snipped the stem off that was still green and i planted it (hoping it will regrow) another thing i did was keep the previous roots baried. i have it under a 100watt light bulb keeping the dirt warm
Ifr the stem is removed from the roots put the root horemone on if a leave is burnt of it could sprout back.what about the roots that i had left in the groud? i was thinking if i just gave it some water and just like the seed it will respout and grow a new leaf