new to buying online seeds

i ordered from attitude today, all i bought was 2 seeds of some dutch blueberry and they gave me 5 free g13 skunk seeds. They also have a bunch of different shipping options that include more discreet packaging, try them out.
i ordered from attitude today, all i bought was 2 seeds of some dutch blueberry and they gave me 5 free g13 skunk seeds. They also have a bunch of different shipping options that include more discreet packaging, try them out.

Shit man i tryed nirvana out and i shipped them to my house where I have 400+ marijuana plant opperation goin on at my house. I ordered other websites this way.
well u should be ok if u have kept 400 plants hiden lol thats pretty impressive i think... i mean all i want is my own plant that could supply me and keep me happy :D
lol my mom knows i have a plant also lol but her philosophy is "dont give me any problems and i dont give two shits" so its pretty awsome :P she wants to get rid of my bro cause he does nothing but cause problems for her
well all ive realy wanted for a while is a plant so i can save money and never run the risk of getting busted by going out in the open to buy it
Good luck and my usuall harvest every month is 15-20 pounds per type of plant. But that isnt enough for me. I sell big time. I even offer to ppl if they get caught for possesion dont rat me out and I will bail u out (if have to) and help pay for fines . It is a supplyers / demanders relationship I make about 10 000 dollars every two weeks.
damn dude!!!! lol shit thats tight! whith 20 lbs. of bud i would be set for a while! thats a realy cool deal with that bail and fines still trying to say my plant for the burnin by my brother. I cut off all the burnt stem and i snipped the stem off that was still green and i planted it (hoping it will regrow) another thing i did was keep the previous roots baried. i have it under a 100watt light bulb keeping the dirt warm
damn dude!!!! lol shit thats tight! whith 20 lbs. of bud i would be set for a while! thats a realy cool deal with that bail and fines still trying to say my plant for the burnin by my brother. I cut off all the burnt stem and i snipped the stem off that was still green and i planted it (hoping it will regrow) another thing i did was keep the previous roots baried. i have it under a 100watt light bulb keeping the dirt warm

You should go get a rooting gel or powder and dip the bottem of the steem in it then replant i dont think the method you are using will work the stem needs a horemone for it to root.
what about the roots that i had left in the groud? i was thinking if i just gave it some water and just like the seed it will respout and grow a new leaf