New to air cooling. Vent outside or Inside? How hot is the charged air?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be pushing 250 cfm through a 6 inch insulated tubing to the hood, exit to room. Or is this a bad idea? Should I vent outside?

In my head that air is going to be crazy hot right?

I'm pretty sure I know what way to go but before I build I want to make sure from someone who has actually put their hand on the exit of a 1000w hps hood duct.

The hood is being fed straight in from the room which is at 70C...

The scrubber has its own inline.

Thanks! This is one of those i feel like a dick asking this question. :wall:


hi there buddy im using an air cooled light aswell and thought i would give my 2cents . first u should vent close to open window or outside if possible , the room temperature will raise with the exhaust and raise the ambient temps , while can help in cold weather but not ideal.
if u are using 1000w light i would think 250cfm might not be ideal but i could be wrong i havent used a 1000w yet,when i put my hand on end of duct with my 600w its cool air but not cold and im using a 400cfm fan on a fan speed controller set at half during these winter months .
hope this is helpfull to u


i suck the cold air in and blow it through the light and vent it to a window the scrubber is seperate , but if u have a small space u could link them all up to one fan and blow the scrubbed air through the light if the fan and filter are of big enough cfm to do so . im still learning tho , just passing on my experience with them