new tent set up


Well-Known Member
Nice! I was just took pictures of my own DR150 I'll make a thread with the pics but yours is more pro and better lighting. I notice that you're pulling air in through the scrubber and then out the top rather than pulling out of the room and out through the scrubber. Does this eliminate odors better?


Active Member
im not sure, this is just the way a saw a few set up. i have the bottom vents open (the ones with the screens). do you think this will bring in enough air?


Well-Known Member
im not sure, this is just the way a saw a few set up. i have the bottom vents open (the ones with the screens). do you think this will bring in enough air?
Since you are pulling out through the top of your tent I think opening the bottom vents is a good idea. I hear you want twice the space for intake as your exhaust so you don't create a pressure pocket inside of your tent. I think you'll do well with the way you have it setup. Do the sides of your tent balloon in when you turn on the fan?


Active Member
Can you explain a little more about your vent setup?

Do you one fan running everything? or two?

I am getting a DR150 and want the best ventilation I can give it


Well-Known Member
im not sure, this is just the way a saw a few set up. i have the bottom vents open (the ones with the screens). do you think this will bring in enough air?

I have the 150 wide and run 2 6" ducting through the 2 bottom sleaves of the tent around the sides to the back of the tent where cool air is sucked in in a "passive" way by the 265 fan I have on top of my tent that pulls air through a scrubber then hood/reflector.(I use a cooltube during summer to keep temps down,but now am going to vent this old style sun system once I get the adapters).When the fan runs the sides of the tent suck which causes the fresh air to be brought in through the 2 bottom ducting instead of the vent flaps.With the vent flaps closed there is no light leaks and they get tons of fresh air.I run the fan an hour on,then the co2 for half hour,then the fan another hour and so on.I also have my diy oscilating fan inside thats on 24/7.I run 600w and have temps contolled to 65-80f.Ive got other pics in my journal if you need or ask if you have any ?.Mad luck to your grow!