New Tent, Having Issues, FML!!!!!


Well-Known Member
okay, life aint that bad, but i hate running back and forth to the hydro shop. i have just purchased a Grow Lab tent. i loved it! however the Botanicare 4x8 tray would not fit in it! at all. it was the 3'11" size. and the tray is 53". so it was about 6 inches to big fro the frame. i need a tent with 8" ports. my goal is to run 2x1000w lights, and i have a 8" Can Fan. well, there is only 2 6" ports on the tent. what do i need to return? the tray, the tent? or the easiest, the fan? i have a portable a/c unit to make ambient room temp 65 degrees. i need to run my tent to create a passive airflow into the tent. this, i have heard, will cool the lights, and when the air is exhausted, will be cool enough to exhaust back into the room. i have heard this will work. if worse comes to worse i will have to purchase a hood chiller and water chiller. about an extra $1k that i do not have atm. but it may need to be done later. for now i need to know how i can hook up my set up? i have the knowledge, except im running into fucking issues every damn day!!! and all i want to do is set up my newer bigger tent, transplant all the plants i have into their bigger containers, and be happy! instead im being frustrated and angry! any help would be highly appreciated!!
get a bigger tent with more vents...and make sure to check true dimensions. I was gonna get a 3x3...wound up with a 4x4 much happier than i would have been with smaller one. i bought a's decent...not top of the line but has multiple ports. hope that helps
You are in shitty situation. You should use the tent you have and the portable A/C unit to run one set-up AND/OR get a bigger tent for your tables and use a water chiller to cool your water temps, hoods, and tent.
Is running 2 tents an option? How many plants do you have to transplant? I would like to say use the tent you have for organic soil, use your a/c and get co2. Then get bigger tent for hydro, but you have plants going in hydro already. More info is needed. Do you have room and desire for 2 tents? How many plants need to be transplanted?
okay....i dont have time to indulge all that info. i already am running a 4x4 in one room, my veg room. im designing a flower room. i have a huge walk in closet for clones, mothers and seedlings. i have about 25 plants. maybe less if more males show themselves. i DO NOT DO hydro. i am in soil. and will stay in soil for a long long time. any other questions, i may have time to answer them.

i may just have to cut a fucking hole in my fucking tent. not happy bout that.
Then why the tray? You said you didn't have time to answer questions, then you answered them. We are just trying to help you out. Cut the hole in the tent and make it 8", I am going to change the two tents in my office from 4 to 6 I think.
I assumed you had expensive hydro set up by saying 4 x 8 botanicare tray. Cut the hole, easiest way to solve problems. If you do not want to cut tent then you have another option. Go to Home Depot or Lowes and buy some 8" to 6" reducers and see if by shrinking to 6" at the tent walls that you still run low enough temps, then if that doesn't work you have receipt for reducers to get money back and you have to cut tent. Just my few cents, hope it helps you.
i said that i dont have time, because i was giving you the short answer. i have to figure this issue out today. its not just a fix today, its long term thing. i am thinking ahead. i only have 1x1000w set up right now. but want to upgrade later. you see?? i fully appreciate you helpful input. i am not disappointed in your answers at all. just UBER aggravated. i have just dropped $1k+ in the last week. money that my friend hooked me up with til harvest because he knows im doing good for myself with this. i have some skills. but my skills will only get me as far as my set up allows me. i just want to get my set up going, plants transplanted and on with flowering. finish this harvest. get another light and rock this set up how i originally designed it. i am returning the Can Fan for a Can Fan Max today. i think that will help. i think i will just cut the fucking holes if need be. im going to buy a 8" flange kit and see if i can install it around the 6" hole. i will just have to poke little holes for the screws. then if worse comes to worse, i will only have to put little pieces of duct tape over them. i am thinking about the future. everything i buy, i end up not using at one point in time. so i always think about the re-sale value. my ultimate goal is a 5-6 bedroom house!! but then i would be going nuts and once i get to that point im hoping to have most of the equipment i need.

your answer is highly appreciated. thank you for taking the time to help me.
ohhh!!! you asked about the tray... ahh i forgot to address that. well friend, with a tray i can squeeze more plants into a 4x8 area. i hate hand watering. i recently purchased a 4x4 tray for my 4x4 tent. i bought a 32 gal resi and a pump and a water wand. watering takes me about 1hr to mix nutes instead of 4-5. i was literally hand mixing nutes by the gallon and watering each plant individually. it was taking me all night to water. now it takes bout on hour to an hour and a half. and with the tray, i can make little mess and its no fuss. i like the new watering system i half implemented. AND!!! one day i hope to be on automatic feed system. so i dont even have to water myself. it will be done, well, automatically. e-z, breeze-e!
I have thousands in shit I am not using also. lol. It is inevitable, you learn as you go, just like me.
The flange should work fine, maybe tape the fabric after cutting and before adding flange to keep fabric from fucking up.
Mixing up nutes and shit sucks. I am going to mix some super soil, that would make an automated system so much easier. All your nutes are in the soil, just add water.
ohhhhh yes!!! i love Subcool. i know i may sound a little wet behind the ears, but i have been growing for a little bit now. been reading and researching for years. and that would be the ultimate goal. Super Soil, automatic feed system. then i wouldn't be stressing so much. i think once i get this set up figured out i will be fine though.
I just bought a premix off ebay. it was about $40 I think and I just need to add 3 bags of roots and 1 bag of worm casings. Then I will only need to add water. I would love automated system. One of these days, it should be very easy just watering with water and not mixing 3 - 20 chemicals.
WOA!!! someone is selling Super Soil on eBay? or was it just someones blend and you amended it? i think i would just start from scratch, and only use for flower. and i plan on using 7gal containers. i have read that the 7gal containers are actually 5gal capacity. i also heard that 5gal paint buckets are actually 6gal, but they only fill them with 5gal of paint. them are cheap at the Home Depot and what not. i may just start plugging holes in them and start using em. plus i dig the white and silver. instead of having to always get black. im really picky with colors, cuz im UBER colorblind.
so, i will look her in a minute, but has it sat for the amount of time they need it to? then i think it would be beneficial. the hole thing waiting 6 months kinda sucks!!! it sounds like a half batch. and yeah, i guess you would need all ingredients prior to mixing, DOH!