New study about our kids. How do you feel?


Well-Known Member
My mama seems a little happier when I told her I used to smoke alot of cigarettes but gave it up in lieu of pot. She's also started to acknowledge the fact that she has never seen me drunk or otherwise hugely physically impaired by intoxication. She knows I'm sensible, she's only angry because she is a weed fiend, knows she would smoke all my weed if she tried confiscating it and hates me 'rubbing it in her face'

My little brother knows I smoke and sees me smoke all the time, but I still gave him the 'DRUGS ARE BAD' lecture. I made it very clear to him the difference between detrimental hard drugs and smoking weed. But as Crypty said, smoking anything is bad for you. He helps me bake sometimes and I have half an ounce of trim to get rid of. Perhaps a cookery lesson in order. He's not my son but if I hear him making light of 'hard drug' references I don't let it go. I don't want him to think 'my sister smoking pot is ok, so Everything is ok'

Have you SEEN the state of emergency in the UK? Binge drinking is a hge problem- every person I have ever met has either been so drunk they pissed themselves, threw up, had a one night stand, got lost, wandered into the middle of the road, said something they REALLY shouldn't, passed out in a toilet stall, complained about their awful hangovers or all of the above. I just don't get it. I may like a few pints of cider and whiskey but I avoid that list.

Those who have been there, often claim to be proud of it. That in itself makes me worry :sad:

If I caught my future kid with a bottle of vodka in their room I would cry and think about all the people I lost to legal substances. If I found my kid with pot in their room I would ask them to roll one up for us...

...Then do their homework and the dishes!


Well-Known Member
lol you should have seen it when my mom found the empty bottle of peppermint schnapps in my room.
thank god it was my brother's (even though i drank like half of it)
and I didnt get into trouble but I thought she was gonna murder me


Well-Known Member
I was in highschool 2 years ago, and weed smoking was much more common than drinking. It's just because it's so much easier to get a hold of, and everyone does it so almost everyone will try it. Picking up a dub sack is as easy as going to Safeway and looking through the parking lot, vs stealing a bottle/finding someone 21.
Maybe the problem in the UK is

Between the ages of 5 and 18, it is legally permissible for children to drink alcohol at home or at a friend's house with the permission of a parent or legal guardian.[SUP][75]
[/SUP]The minimum age for the purchase of alcohol is 18. People aged 16 or 17 may consume wine, beer or cider on licensed premises when ordered with a meal.[SUP][1][/SUP] InEngland and Wales, it must be an adult who orders,[SUP][76][/SUP]however an adult doesn't have to be present to order alcohol with a meal in Scotland. The legal age for the purchase of alcohol from an off-licence (store/supermarket) is 18. (The legal age to buy liqueur chocolates is 16, but this is rarely enforced.)
All people care about is getting pissed. So much as mention weed to some people and they think you are the scum of the earth.

Pass them a blunt, I say.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the problem in the UK is

All people care about is getting pissed. So much as mention weed to some pople and they think you are the scum of the earth.

Pass them a blunt, I say.
My best friend is English, and I LOVE going and hanging out with his family because of the drinking they do. Maybe it's in my blood too, but there's not much I love more than sitting down at a dinner table already with a strong alcohol buzz with a nice frosty pilsner glass of beer. His family has NO IDEA that he or I smokes, and they completely despise marijuana. I find it kind of... interesting, that they are so distraught over a little weed when they live in california, but are so lax about alcohol and let whoever drink with them as long as their parents are fine with it. Just the difference in culture I guess. I love how my parents are fine with both drinking and weed as long as I hold a job and am getting my education with good grades :D. It gives me just enough wiggle room to feel as if I'm being responsible on my own, when I'm really not lol


Active Member
My kids can smoke as long as they are socially smoking ( with other people) for the first few years anyway
passing / staying in school
don't get caught
15/16+ years

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
So the latest studies show that more kids are smoking pot than have in thirty years. At the same time the study shows the same kids are drinking less alcohol and smoking less tobacco. I have two kids , 9 and 11. When they become teenagers I have to ask myself the question "which would i rather they be into?". Ideally it would be none of the above but weve all been teenagers and we all know what they're gonaa do. So how do you see this study? Positive negative? etc... And how do you answer the question all of us parents are posed with?,0,4397646.story
This says MMJ does not affect youth use. :)