New strains at Nirvana Shop ?


Well-Known Member
so i was browsing nirvana shop today and discovered a new sativa section and one strain caught my attention immediatly.

Eldorado from nirvana shop is a feminised 100 % sativa plant that they are selling for 70 Euros. which is aproximitly 2-3 times as much as they charge for their other seeds which are clearly name brand. So i was wondering if anyone had dabbled any with this straine and if so is it worth the extra money. I have most of my experience both smoking and growing with indica plants but i can apreciate a good sativa high

their is almost no info on it on the nirvana site nor is their a picture to refrence and im am researching more as you read this. So anyone have anything to say on this topic ?


Well-Known Member
thanks im suprised to have no reponses here lets broadin the spectrum a little. does anyone have any comments on the new straines at Nirvana shop the seed company listed # 1 on this forum


Well-Known Member
ok how do the worthless threads such as WTF STOP MAKING NEW THREADS get 11 pages of responces in an afternoon where this one has litteraly none in twice the time. I know its a pretty specific question i am just suprised no one on here has heard anything about the newer straines that Nirvana shop has. It's the main site this forum tells people to order from i figured you guys would be all over this if not with answers then with questions or comments of your own


Well-Known Member
i know just about as much as you about nirvana seeds, i have grown their seeds and been happy but i think im ready to go elsewhere, maybe seedism, they have strain called killawatt that looks damn interesting. saw it CC. or THseeds, or many others... atleast i hope to do this one day.

i am currently growing their hawaii x skunk. top-44, NL X haze. and a feminized shiskaberry seed a friend gave me, that is from cali.


Well-Known Member
One thing that may help is to bump only once a day or two. When people see the OP bump five times in four hours for a non emergency, they tend to loo past the words. Patience is a virtue, and here it is a must. Sorry I can't answer your question though.


Active Member
Yo breakdancer i know on here it says nirvana is great but i have heard of alot of people saying their seeds dont germinate they get dif strains then supposed to and they arent very potent why dont you try im really interested in the dwarfs on here and autos bc im moving in a couple months

as for the el dorado yeah i saw it and if you throw that sun bitch outside it would def. be worth it because it would prob be the biggest plant you or me have grown


Well-Known Member

Check out that Full moon strain, 2-3 metres high and 1-1.5 kilo per plant.

Look like I'll be guerilla growing next year. Dont you just love the great outdoors :wink:


Well-Known Member

I was just about to bump for a response ;-)

Where is the original poster? I thought I done good :cry:


Well-Known Member
Original poster - Breakdancer003

Kali - Checked the link, gonna try some of that red diesel methinks. 20% thc :weed: