New stealth grow! Need help with bucket sizing...

Hey all. I am building a freezer chest scroger! With 240w Blackstar, 3" bilge fan, flat white interior, and custom scrubber, oh, forgot to tell you its a soil grow. Grow space is 30" tall, 2ft wide, 4ft long... I KNOW from previous experience that my sweet spot is 8" from tops... I am using 3 or 4 plants to fill my screen... I don't know if I can cut 5 gallon bucket to 8" without somehow stunting my girls, or if you have a better idea for the pots. I prefer soil so that has to stay.

This is not a thread to bash Blackstar! I love my light, if you don't, suck it.

I am asking for idea's and thoughts from those who have advice to give. I will be posting pics of my deep freeze sleeper soon. Thanks for your time and stay high!
No help? Will a shorter bucket..(impeading verticle root growth) also impead overall yeald and or growth? Any experience with this?