New Spinner Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
*hi'gh. sorry about moving your thread out of AMC, but i feel you would get more in-regards to your Qs in this forum. thank you for posting @t RIU:leaf:




Hi jayseal.
I've got two of these and running one for my first attempt. I can give you a couple of tips as I am coming to the end of my first grow.
Stake 'em and keep 'em tied up. I've had 3 pull out of the baskets due to interference while rotating. I think they caught on the posts but possibly each other. This could be a serious fire risk as one of them certainly fell onto the lamp.
Throw them to 12/12 as soon as possible as they just get too tall.
Watch for lifting of the plexiglass which will damage the main gear. I think it's due to root mass lifting the pots.
Stay away from 600w to start....IMO, it's too close and toasted all my least I think that was the cause.

Which setup do you have? The Eb&Flo was original but he's been selling them with a tube/sprayer configuration. I like the sprayer version as it doesnt weigh down the unit like filling the res does. I also like the sprayer cuz you don't have to water by hand early on.

Can't wait to see how your grow goes. Keep us posted please.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Wow, never would've guessed that thing was poorly designed. Hey, at least it didn't cost very much.


I would not have paid the loot for one of these but i had two given to me.
Ive been a soil grower in the past. Been interested in hydro and ive always been a mad scientist of sorts.
I will say that the unit is over priced IMO. However its real smple and once its problems have been corrected, i think it will be easy.


Active Member
It just seems like too many moving parts. I would hope that if one spinner broke it would not effect the others from spinning.
Hi guys here is an update. I had to flower a week a so sooner than I wanted because of time constraints. Most of them of them are about 4in tall some of them are lower in rockwool cubes. Thanks hubbyho for tips, I have ebb n flow setup, how soon did u flower, I was aiming for at least 6inches. Here is some new pics of them after 48 hrs of darkness



Thanks for the post, I'm interested in one of these. Please keep posting updates.

Have you grown in this before or is this your first? Yields, maintenance?


Keep posting, not all of us are rude. Your plants look good, what are the genetics?

Hi guys I'm gon give in update even though nobody is paying attention. This pics are bout a month into flowering. Will update more but not if I'm going to get ridiculed because of my decision to spend on something that I wanted to test, thanks anyway


So it looks like the OP stopped updating due to rude comments and skepticism on the spinner. I have since had a couple grows in a spinner - my experiences with it are amazing. Light maximum to your plants results in the best results I've ever had growing. Keeps my plant count legal, low power usage, and very small growing space... averaging 2-3 ounces per plant. Yield is not the impressive thing about the spinner. It's the top quality buds that it produces. @jayseal2010 would love to hear your experiences or any tips you have.